Page 2 of His Property

“No, I haven’t.”

“Do you want to?” he asks, the smile gone. His eyes have grown serious, and my danger radar picks something up again.

I answer honestly. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t?” He tilts his head and narrows his eyes like he finds me confusing.

I shift uncomfortably again and glance around to make sure no one is watching me stand outside a BDSM club talking to a man who is no doubt about to go into it. Luckily, this street isn’t well-trafficked. In reality, no woman should be walking in this part of Las Vegas at night, certainly not alone. One more dangerous, stupid thing I do on purpose just to get a rush.

“No. I…” I clear my throat. “I just think it’s fascinating.”

“Really?” he asks, drawing out the word like he’s pondering my response.

“Yeah.” I shrug again like it’s no big deal, like I’m not telling a dark secret I’ve been harboring since puberty. “The idea of giving up all control is just…” I bite my lip and finally get that shiver, only it has nothing to do with the temperature. “Exciting. You know?”

His shoulders shake as he chuckles. With the way he reacts, you’d think I was a toddler who said something ridiculous.

“No, I can’t relate. But I would love to help you explore that further if you decide to go in.” He gestures toward the door. His kind smile returns, and it has butterflies flapping in my stomach. “I’m gentle. I promise.”

Maybe this was destiny. I never would’ve come out of my shell and truly considered this had he not spoken to me first. There are too many obstacles in the way. For one: fear. Two: embarrassment. And three: I’m pretty sure this is an invitation-only thing.

Here’s my invitation.

Here’s mychance.

I ready myself to say yes. I’m going to sayyes. My panties dampen, and my heart pounds. I’ve never felt so much excitement in my life.

I open my mouth, but he speaks before I get the chance to.

“Just ask for Victor.” He lets his eyes fall and rakes them up my body, taking a deep inhale as he does. He meets my eyes again and smirks. “See you around, Mouse.”

With one last lingering look, he turns and starts up the stairs to the red door. He’s inside before I get the courage to tell him to wait.

Damn it.

Damn it, damn it, damn it.

A long time goes by while I just stare at the door, my excitement morphing to anxiety the longer I wait. Several people have walked by, but for once I haven’t cared. I’ve barely noticed them.

Go in, Mae.

Just do it.

Just fucking do it.

“I’m gonna do it,” I say out loud on a shallow breath of air. If I don’t now, I may never get another real chance.

I take the first step, and my stomach turns. I picture myself tied up with Victor,myDom, looking over me, taking care of me, wanting me, and it helps bring me courage. I want this. Ireallywant this.

I take the rest of the stairs, my pace quickening with each one, and I push through the door in a gust of victory.

And then I stop cold, my muscles tensing. I instantly register that something is wrong. People gather in the lobby, angry voices talking over one another. Several men, most in great shape, stand looking pissed with all their glares pointed at one person.


He’s the only one whodoesn’tappear angry. A woman covered in tattoos and piercings stands to his right, facing him, and has her teeth bared. Another woman stands behind the first, sobbing while hunched over.

“How fucking dare you!” the tattooed woman yells at Victor.