Page 14 of Brake's Intent

Augustus Cervantes is known only for his dealings in trafficking. He’s got a small operation going, but that doesn’t mean it’s not something to sneeze at. Cervantes is a bastard, and it makes me wonder what he really wants. I don’t believe he’d give Faye back in good faith. He’s not a stupid man. He’s got to be up to something. There’s no way he’s not.

“From what Marques and Darrel have told me, I’m inclined to believe them. They’re not ones who would report something without checking deeper into it first.”

I nod, knowing Reed’s right. Marques and Darrel are good at finding answers and making sure that when a message needs delivering, it’s got an impact behind it. “Fuck. They got anything else?”

“Not just yet, but the moment they do, I’ll let you know.”

“Good,” I say and lift the phone when it vibrates again in my hand. “I’m going to head back to the clubhouse. I want you to get with the contractor and find out his ETA on getting this finished, to be exact, and contact Daphne.” I open my phone and find I’ve got two messages from Brake and unlock my screen to see them as Reed responds with a curse.

Jax:The fuck you go without waking me.

Jax:Get your ass back here. We gotta talk.

Me:You can calm down, I’m on the way.

Making my way out of the building, I walk straight to my car and slide in behind the wheel. Time to get back and find out what’s going on with Brake. I wanted to ask Reed where we’re on the other thing, but that’s going to have to wait until another time when I don’t have a man demanding me to get back to the clubhouse. With him just getting back yesterday, I want to be there just as badly, considering now I know who Shawna’s man is.

* * *

The whole way to the clubhouse I blare my music out the windows. I love riding with the windows down, speeding with my music playing loudly. It’s soothing and clears my mind when I need it most. It helps me think when I need to get things straight and figure out a game plan.

As I park, I turn the music down and twist the key shutting the engine off. I open the door and get out. Making my way into the clubhouse, I pocket my keys. Halfway to the door, I spot Bart and shake my head. Never have I known anyone to have a damn pet gator, but Brake’s told me about the damn gator and his importance to him and Tyres.

I barely get into the clubhouse before Brake lays into me.

“You don’t fuckin’ leave this place without telling someone where the hell you’re going,” he yells from across the room.

“Well, hello to you too,” I quip, smirking as I take in his irritation. “I didn’t think I needed to report to anyone. I’m not a member of this club.”

“No, but you are associated with it. A part of it, considering you and Faye are both mine.”

I roll my eyes at his words and shake my head as I cross the room. “I do know how to take care of myself, and I have a gun. I also have my own men who go where I go.”

“I don’t give a fuck,” Brake says, getting in my face.

“Lawson, man, with the shit going on, it’s not a good idea to go out without tellin’ us,” Fuse states, standing off to the side. “Not after the shit we’ve uncovered.”

“Let me guess, you found out who Shawna’s man is?”

“What we’ve found out is that the group Shawna’s associated with are the ones who wanted Ly and her sister. They work for those Supreme Masters fuckers who had Simone,” Fuse explains.

“And Shawna’s man’s name is Augustus Cervantes. He runs a trafficking ring, and I can assure you that his ring is small but not one to laugh at.”

Silence fills the room, and Brake takes a step back.

“You found out who the fucker is that took Faye?” he asks, narrowing his gaze.

“Yeah.” I nod. “Found out from Reed while we were handling business over at the new Double Trouble.”

“Did he say anything else?” Chains asks, joining us.

“No, Marques and Darrel are looking into it further. When they know something, they’ll let me or Reed know,” I inform him and refocus on Brake. “You going to calm down now? Tell me what you found out? Tell me where you had to disappear to for days?”

“That’s something I’d like to know as well?” Tyres, mutters.

Brake steps back, narrows his gaze on me, and shakes his head. “Found out a lot of shit. Most of it you all have found out,” he scoffs. “But I also found out about Augustus and where he kept Faye. They held her at a house near Hide-A-Way Lake. I went there, and they had to have left right after giving Faye back because I watched that place and several others just in case, and there was no trace of anyone coming or going.”

“You fuckin’ went alone?” I snarl, getting pissed the hell off.