It becomes painfully apparent that he isn’t going to answer my questions or say anything at all. For someone who is used to being in charge, it’s infuriating.
“Fine,” I spit out.
I cross my arms over my chest and turn my attention out the window.Who does he think he is? He’s the one who invited me!If he isn’t going to speak, then we can spend the entire trip down there not uttering a word.
Which is precisely what happens. I’m not used to the silence, especially being around kids all day, and my irritation grows with each moment that passes. I desperately want to make conversation, but I won’t be the first to talk. Not after the way he ignored me in the car.
We arrive at the airport, get through security, and board the plane in complete silence. While it’s not my first time flying first class, it is the first time I don’t actually enjoy it. The flight to the Bahamas is roughly five hours, but it drags on. I pull my headphones out of my purse and resume the audiobook I started earlier in the week.
Even the taxi ride from the airport to the hotel is still silent. Every fiber of my body protests as I bite my bottom lip to refrain from talking. I know I’m being stubborn and childish . . . what’s his excuse?
I venture over to the large bay windows in the lobby to take in the view while he checks us in. The view is breathtakingly beautiful. There’s a private beach for guests of the hotel within walking distance. Linen cabanas are set up randomly along the beach, and waitstaff bustle from one to another, taking orders or delivering drinks. Beyond the cabanas is an ocean so blue it’s difficult to see where the water ends and the sky begins. It’s paradise. Looking at it, I’m glad I came, despite the bumpy start.
A deep voice behind me causes me to jump. “Lily.” I turn around with a smile, but it fades with his following words. “There’s been a mistake with the reservations.”
“Oh?” I raise my eyebrows.
Jax sighs. “They only gave us one room, and there aren’t any others available.”
“What?” I blink. Oh no.No, no, no. I look past him to the front desk. Other guests are checking in. They all seem to be on vacation, not on a business trip like us. I could go over there and make a fuss until they make it right, but that would mean putting someone else out. I can’t do that to people who only want to enjoy themselves.
“At least they gave us a room with two beds,” he says with a smile.
Near the front desk, a bellhop arrives with a dolly holding our luggage. I bring my attention back to Jax and can’t let this opportunity slip away. My scowl turns into a smirk as I look up at him. “Aww, what’s wrong? You don’t want to share a bed with me?” Now, it’s my turn to grin at the stunned look on his face. “Come on, Jax. I don’t bite . . . unless you ask nicely.”
I swiftly pluck a room key from his hand and take long strides past him. Not waiting for Jax or the bellhop, I press the up arrow to call for the elevator, knowing they’ll follow.
He’s been quiet all morning, and frankly, I’m tired of him pretending neither of us felt anything on that dance floor. A tingle runs through my body when I think back to that night. The night I kissed him in the alley. The same night he kissed me back as though I’m the one he craves.
The elevator arrives on the fifth floor, and the bellhop brings our luggage into the room. The room has a great beach view from a balcony with a table and two chairs. As I open the sliding glass door, I take it all in. I can imagine eating breakfast out here tomorrow. After a few moments, I turn around, head back into the room, and notice the bellhop has put our luggage near the beds. Jax hands him a generous tip. While Jax takes care of that, I lift my suitcase onto the bed closest to the balcony and begin to unpack.
Suddenly, Jax storms over to the bed that holds my suitcase. He snatches the box of condoms out and holds them up. “What the hell is this?” he says, his gray eyes shooting daggers at me.
It’s more of a demand than a question.
His voice is deep as he waves the box in front of my face. “An answer, Lily.” My eyes snap to his, and I see a storm brewing. What an interesting reaction from someone who wants nothing to do with me.
I shrug, keeping a flippant attitude. “Can’t be too safe, right? And I caught a look at those cabana boys on the beach earlier. Yummy.” I wink and reach for the box.
His jaw locks. He clenches the box of condoms and crushes it in his hand. I’ve never seen an adult struggle with emotions so much, but I see it now. Jax leans toward me as he growls, “You willnotbe sleeping with anyone during this trip.”
Without another word, he storms over to the trashcan and throws the box in. There’s a loudthunkas it hits the bottom.
Chapter Six
Ragefillsme.Itmakes me feel unreasonable.How dare she?I don’t recall ever being so angry in my life. The mere thought of another man touching Lily makes me want to break their bones. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve raised my hand in anger. Usually, I’m more controlled than this. But now, my mind torments me with images of someone else undressing her. Caressing her body. Kissing her neck.
It makes me see red.
To make matters worse, I know I have no right to judge Lily or tell her who she can and cannot sleep with. We aren’t lovers. Hell, we’re barely friends. She’s my business partner’s daughter. If anyone has a right to poke their nose into her business, it’s her father. Not me.
Fuck. Every vein in my body is aching to be deeply involved with Lily. It’s so foreign, but it feels so right. I want to be the reason she needs condoms. But I’m not, nor am I anywhere near it, and she takes joy in rubbing that in my face.
A sliver of guilt worms its way in. I know it’s improper for me to want to be in her life, simply because of my relationship with her father. The guilt fuels the fire inside me, brought on by the jealousy she created with those condoms. I know I can’t reason my way through this and calm down. Just knowing she’s right there in the same room keeps that fire burning.
I need to get away from her.