Page 61 of In Too Deep

Darcy slipped on a clean flight suit and laced up her boots. Heading out the door, she prepped her mindset for battle. Losing wasn’t an option when the stakes were forever.

Steam radiated up from the parking lot even in the middle of the night. She strode down the open walkway, dim lights tracking her way toward her rental car while stars dotted the sky overhead.

Halogen lamplight silhouetted a man lounging on her trunk, his back stretching a preppy, blue polo shirt.

“Perry?” Darcy called.

Max’s assistant straightened and spun to face her. “Hello, Darcy. The boss sent me over to pick you up. He said you didn’t need to be driving after all you went through yesterday with the emergency landing and all.”

That sounded like Max. She started to argue and assert that she could drive herself. How ridiculous and recklessly prideful. Why not take the ride? She could use the time to settle her emotions before she faced him again, rather than climb behind the wheel with shaking hands.

One brick at a time. Pull those walls down and quit being so frigging defensive. “Thanks. I appreciate the thoughtfulness.”

Night silence echoing, Darcy stepped around to the passenger side and slid into the sedan. The air conditioner blasted her with arctic air. No wonder Perry looked so crisp without even one stray hair mussed in spite of the hundred-plus degrees outside. “You must be eager to get back to your wife and kids. How much longer do you expect to be in Guam?”

Streetlights whipped past the windows, haloing his blond preppy perfection. “Not long at all. We’ve just about wrapped everything up.”

“Good.” Which meant Max would be free sooner. Her stomach performed aerial maneuvers.

Perry braked the car to a stop at the sign in spite of the nonexistent traffic, before turning onto a narrow road behind an oversize cinder-block building. “Too bad you can’t go diving with Max since you just flew. Wouldn’t want to risk an air embolism.”

“Huh?” Darcy yanked her attention away from concerns about how she and Max would handle trying to make a relationship work in the real world. “Even once the time restriction wears off, I’m not so sure we’ll be wanting to dive together anytime soon.”

She stared out the windshield and steadied her breathing by counting fence posts in the distance, a fence with wire mesh tubes strapped to catch tree snakes. Spotlights showcased one long carcass trailing from the end of the tube. She shuddered.

Perry glanced over at her, the dash lights bathing his face. “That sure was a close call for you and Max, all those divers coming after you.” A smile picked at the corner of Perry’s mouth. “Good thinking on your part, using that red coral to your advantage.”

Red coral? How did he know?

A tingle iced up her spine so cold it canceled out even the a/c blast. Surely, she and Max would have recognized Perry as one of the divers attacking them. Had she or Max told anyone about the red coral? She couldn’t remember for certain. But if she hadn’t, Perry could only know by hearing from someone else who’d been there.

The tingle flamed to a burn. Trust instincts.

Darcy reached for the door handle and eyed the approaching stop sign. She didn’t care if it looked silly, her falling out on the sidewalk. Crusty and Perry could tease her later if she was wrong. After the week she’d had, no way was she ignoring her instincts.

Instincts fired to full alert. Scrap waiting for the next stop sign. She yanked the door handle. The door wouldn’t move.

Don’t panic.

A hand banded on her arm. “Careful, now,” Perry crooned. “If you want to stop, just say so.”

She clenched her fist. “Okay, I want to stop.”

“No problem.”

Her eye caught a flash, low, in Perry’s hand. She arced back to punch. Nailed him in the face.

A pinch, then a sting spread through her leg. Confusion swirled. A spider again? She looked down.

A syringe dangled from her thigh, piercing through her flight suit into her skin. An empty syringe.

Darcy knocked it aside, kicked, screamed, prayed someone would hear her before whatever he’d given her…started to…slow her reflexes. The edges of consciousness sucked inward like in a rapid decompression. Fogginess rolled over her. Consciousness faded with Perry’s voice echoing in her dazed mind as he pulled from behind the building and drove through the front gate.

Perry swiped the trail of blood from his nose, his blond hair not so neat anymore. Darcy didn’t have time to appreciate the damage she’d done with her right hook as reality drifted with his fading voice.

“Let me tell you about an episode of Batman and Robin where Robin decides it’s time for him to run the show.”