Page 5 of Valentine's Eve

“Hosting. I didn’t partake. Only one of us got laid that night,” Kingpin said with a sneer. “At the Orgy,” he added to make sure I knew he had sex afterwards.

Thinking about how he demanded Hallow participate in the show, have sex with me to prove he wasn’t lying about our relationship, I stared daggers at him.

“You can’t deny you had every intention of losing your virginity that night,” he said as some sort of explanation.

“I’m sort of over all of that.” After all, I was engaged to Hallow.

“It was Hallow’s fault for lying to his President.”

“Is that an apology?” I rolled my eyes.

“No. It’s a fact. Your detective disrespected me, his President. He has no loyalty.”

“Are you serious? Like y’all are a loyal bunch.”

“Even with Hallow’s lies, this club saved his ass and yours. I did.”

Hallow made the choice to save me from the Royal Bastards MC. Yes, he lied to Kingpin to do it, and afterwards, Kingpin saved Hallow and I from certain death. But it felt much more complicated than that.

Before anything else could be said about the matter, Kingpin’s third woman appeared in the door frame, frowning as she often did when she saw me. It was my turn to have daggers shot at me.

I was no threat to Ginger.

“See you tomorrow, Eve. Mainstage at noon,” Kingpin said, shooing me out.

I left as fast as I could.

Chapter 3


Blasting the radio, I drove home to an empty house at the Eagles’ Nest, the place Kingpin rented out to Hallow and I. Stepping through the door, solitude greeted me.

“Honey, I’m home,” I called out anyway.

Plugging up my phone, I couldn’t even call Hallow. He was on that kind of job, he’d said. I’d have to wait for him to reach out to me. I thought about Kingpin saying he was in Texas but quickly dismissed it. Of course, I wouldn’t know where Hallow was if I couldn’t even contact him.

Reminding myself, I was all alone because Hallow was out winning our bread and butter, I made myself just that. White bread and Country Crock. I’ve been craving it. Maybe the weird hankerings had begun? But something else started. Suddenly, I couldn’t eat. An excruciatingly unbearable sickness lurched in my stomach. I was gonna shit my pants and puke at the same time. I spent hours on the toilet. Thinking I ate something bad, I went over every meal I’d consumed in the last couple of days. I cursed my love of fast food as I did. With all the junk I’d crammed in my mouth I didn’t know how I was still as thin as I was.

Eventually, the pain subsided enough that I could fall asleep.

I woke up in an empty bed. Rolling over, I breathed in Hallow’s pillow. Still smelled like him. I missed his warmth beside me. Without him, I was freezing even though I was wrapped up like a burrito. A floral comforter burrito. Sitting up, I noticed the red sauce. My panties were soaked with blood.

I’d started my period. All my hopes of being pregnant went out the window. Last night’s sickness had been cramps, I thought until it happened again right away. A sharp pain shot through my pelvis. Thinking about the ER, I knew I didn’t want a large bill. Frankly, I didn’t have a doctor in Nashville. I didn’t know who to call. I’d not been to an OBGYN since living in Arkansas. Being young and healthy, I simply got my birth control online.

With all my worries, I called Royal Road to tell Kingpin I wouldn’t be into practice.

Minni answered, “Who’s this?” It was abrupt, but I doubted at eight in the morning anyone was awake at Royal Road.

“It’s Eve. Can you give a message to Kingpin?”

“Too early for that. Kingpin wants everyone to use his direct line, anyhow.” She gave me his number.

“Just tell him, I won’t be in. Okay?”

I was aggravated for a moment because I preferred not to communicate with Kingpin that way. If I called him, he’d have my number.

“I’m heading home soon,” Minni explained.