He never inquired if I’d gotten treatment or how it started. Nothing. My flaw embarrassed him. He didn’t want people to know, which was why he kept pushing me to maintain my strict workout regimen.
With Royce, I could say whatever I wanted. It was a pleasant change that I welcomed.
“You’re irresistible and overconfident.” My eyes narrowed with amusement.
“Most women find confidence attractive.”
“As long as it doesn’t inflate your ego to a dangerous level.”
“My ego is adjustable.” A smile played on his lips. “To answer your question, adjusting to a new environment wasn’t easy, but I managed. There were moments of loneliness because I missed my mom and sister.”
My heart broke at his words. His experiences seemed more serious than I had imagined.
“Kids can pick up new languages fast. But I’d been learning English in Iceland, so I adapted fine. Things got worse in high school, though. I got into too many fights.”
“Did you clobber them? I hope you did.”
Bullies were the worst. I didn’t like hearing he’d been mistreated growing up. But I supposed they were typical growing pains because I also had my share.
“I got into a really big fight my senior year and made my enemy miss a few weeks of school. He was the one who started it, and I had to defend myself. I broke his arm and his nose and injured his friend.”
“Two against one? Bastards!” I seethed. “You should have gone for the legs too.”
Royce smiled.
“I can be a dark angel when necessary,” I confessed.
“I see that. Now it’s just Aunt Klara and me.”
“I’m an only child, so it’s been my mom and me too.” The wheel in my brain spun. “What about business enemies? Anyone stand out to you?”
“I’m looking into it,” he said. “Was that the first time you’ve been that close to a gunshot?”
I nodded, and the reality of the event sank in deeper. I could have been shot.
“Have you received any threats?”
“Are you practicing for a detective exam?” he asked, a glint of humor in his eyes that disappeared quickly. “No, I haven’t received any threats. Let the police do their job.”
Something in his eyes hinted that he wasn’t telling me the whole truth. Maybe he didn’t want to worry me.
Royce reached for his laptop on the side table and turned it on. “Let’s not talk about today’s event anymore. We’ve had enough fears and negativity for one day. Let’s look up the wonders of the world. How’s that?”
“I have a better idea. How about you show me some of the excursion sites you own so I know where I want to visit? Now that we’re dating, you can give me a tour of your business sites without it being awkward.”
“I could’ve given you a tour if you were my friendormy girlfriend.”
“Yeah, but it’s not the same.”
“Come to think of it, I’ve brought none of my dates to my excursion sites. I always kept work and personal relationships separate.”
I didn’t want him to break any rules for me. “If you’re uncomfortable with it, that’s okay with me. It was just a suggestion.”
“No, that’s not what I mean. I’ve never wanted to share my business details with anyone ... until you.”
If my heart were a gymnast, it would’ve twirled, twisted, and done several somersaults.
“Let’s start with my very first adventure site I owned while going for my master’s.”