That comment changed my mood, and I realized I shouldn’t let other people’s opinions affect me. I’d been irritated by Fiona’s jab, and that irritation disappeared when someone offered a brighter perspective—one I should have seen and known.
I should focus on my relationship with Royce—the one brewing under the fake façade. I knew what I wanted, but was terrified of where it could lead me. For tonight, I didn’t want to think about anything negative. I wanted to enjoy my time with him at this event where he had never brought another woman.
The host, dressed in a black tuxedo with a full head of silver hair, stepped to the podium and spoke while images of volcanoes splashed on two large screens on either side of him. I was mesmerized by how many volcanoes there were on Earth. The last time I was in Iceland, I wanted to tour a volcano, but didn’t have time.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our keynote speaker, Dr. Royce Viktorsson.”
Royce walked onto the stage, and I heard gasps and sighs from the surrounding tables. I understood his magnificence because my body also gasped.
“If he hadn’t shown up with you, sweetheart, I might have divorced my husband for him. The man grabs attention like he’s a black hole in space.” Carol, a former aerospace engineer, patted her husband’s cheek.
Henry, who had a few wisps of white hair on his head, shook his head. “I don’t think you’re his type, love. He prefers girls his age, so you’re stuck with me.”
I smiled at the pair, who hadn’t seemed to have lost their sense of humor despite their age. “You make a lovely couple.”
The ladies whispered about wanting to introduce him to women they knew if he hadn’t brought me tonight.
I turned my attention to Royce.
“Thank you, everyone, for being here this evening to support the Volcanic Sustainability Research Program. As you know, it’s innovative research showing the world how using available resources can help keep our planet healthy and benefit us in unimaginable ways. We’ve only tapped the surface of how lava can assist us in creating ‘energy’ that can help charge our phones, tablets, and other small gadgets on the go. There are also health benefits proven in research labs regarding lava heat being used to infuse vitamins.” He pivoted and pointed to the screen showing the lab workers using lava to “cook” something.
I wasn’t a scientist, but I could tell from the easy-to-understand images that this research program was changing the world.
“Most people fear volcanoes, and they have good reason to. But like any natural wonders, there are benefits if you care to look. Lava creates new lands like the Hawaiian Islands.”
He looked around the room where most people weren’t volcanologists but individuals or investors with money who cared about the program or believed in this beneficial research. NewYou Beauty was one of those believers, and I was grateful for this job that connected me to Royce. If I hadn’t taken the position, would I have gotten to know him the way I have?
This job delivered something priceless to me: a jumpstart to my heart. I started to believe in love again. It never went away; it just fell asleep. It scared me, but at least I knew I was ready to give it a chance.
As I looked up at the man who gave me hope without even knowing it, I sensed that I’d met him somewhere before. Was it a soulmate connection? Was this what people talked about when they said they felt a familiarity? I’d always assumed people were romanticizing it, but I felt it like a quiet liquid heat moving around my body in slow motion, waking up my nerves and everything else within me.
Confidence and knowledge oozed from Royce as he discussed the benefits of volcanoes. No wonder people wanted him to deliver the keynote speech. He made you listen to his words. He exuded charisma, which made him more spectacular in that elegant suit.
“Volcanoes also increase the water production we have on earth. How? Water comes out of the steam, out of the lava when it touches a water source.” He looked around the room and his gaze met mine and stayed. “Earth is made of beautiful things. Some of them take our breath away, making us feel more alive than before. If we pause to appreciate andexplorethat beauty, we could come to an understanding beyond our imagination.”
Royce held my gaze, and my stomach quivered. My heart raced at his words as though he spoke directly to me. A rush of energy zipped up and down my body.
A realization dawned on me: I wanted him towantme not because I was his fake girlfriend, but because I was Michelle—his friend. There was an attraction between us, but did he feel the same way about me? My body lost control whenever he looked at me. Even now, as he spoke, my body reacted to his every word. A chill here, a tingle there, a tightening in my core, a subtle gasp from an unexpected shiver—these sensations occurred because of him.
In that suit, the potent sexuality he emanated increased tenfold, demanding all eyes on him. I could practically feel the energy in the room holding onto his every word. He inspired everyone, including me.
I wanted to know how lava could become a source of energy for the world. In my travels around the world looking for inspirational things, I found someone. Royce was an intelligent and interesting man disguised in the casual clothing and carefree attitude he exhibited in the company of close friends. But in this professional arena, he was king. I loved seeing the many aspects of him and wondered what else was underneath the stunning exterior.
I feared getting to know him was like walking toward an erupting volcano that could either incinerate me or offer answers to what I’d been searching for.
“I don’t know everything, and neither do you,” Royce continued, and everyone laughed. “But I know this: if we allow ourselves new perspectives, we’ll learn new ways to improve our lives, the lives of our children and their children. You can browse our website and see for yourself what our research has done and what we’re planning to do.” He gestured to the new images on the screen. “Another important advantage of volcanoes is the fertile land created from the volcanic materials mixed with soil. We’re currently harnessing a new species of moss never seen before. It’s still in the infant stages, but we’re watching it closely in our development center. We’re changing the world, and with your contribution, we can continue to do so. My team and I sincerely thank you for everything you’ve done for this program.”
Everyone rose and offered Royce a standing ovation as he stepped away from the microphone, walked off the stage, and sat down beside me. Another scientist replaced Royce and spoke at the podium.
Royce took my hand in his and held it throughout the speech until dinner was served. By the time we left the museum, it was already ten at night, but I wasn’t tired. The late cup of coffee gave me the boost I needed to unpack my bags and settle back into my apartment.
“Don’t forget to drop me off at my apartment, Dr. Viktorsson.” I poked him playfully as he drove out of the parking lot. “How did I not know you’re a doctor?”
He lifted a shoulder. “My PhD isn’t the kind that can prescribe medications or offer surgeries.”
“Still, you never talked about it whenever we hung out.”
“Why should I? None of us talk about our jobs when we’re chilling and playing video games. My job is another part of life. Besides, a title means nothing to me. I mean, it’s nice, and I worked my ass off for it, but it doesn’t change who I am. However, it gives me access to things others don’t have, which is beneficial.”