Page 57 of The Daredevil

“Don’t believe everything you read, Becca. But yes, being friends beforehand takes away the nerves of getting to know one another.”

Romance novels weren’t true to life. They were fantasies to give women like me and Becca hope. I’d never dated a guy friend before, so Royce was my first. So far, it had been eye-opening.

As more people showed up and filled the ballroom, I lost sight of Royce. A waiter strode up with champagne flutes and offered one to Becca and me.

“I loved the way you handled Fiona inthatemail. I couldn’t believe she had the balls to ask you to change your job forher.” Becca sipped her champagne. “Do you know how many emails I get from her asking questions or demanding I provide her info about the resort and products? Too many.”

“There’s a shared folder with all the information she needs.”

“Exactly. She thinks I workforher. I don’t. You, on the other hand, have caused me no trouble at all, and that makes me worried. Everything good?”

I patted her shoulder. “All good. Didn’t you see my first write-up?”

“I did, and it’s perfect. I haven’t seen anything from Fiona yet. If she asks to see your write-up, I won’t show it to her. It’s none of her business.” She sighed. “I can’t believe you’ve already been here for two weeks. I hope the next few weeks will go fast because Fiona is driving me nuts. But then that means you’ll return to the States too. And I don’t want you to go.”

The emcee with red hair and a beard alerted everyone to take our seats because the presentation would start soon. Finishing my champagne and handing the glass to a passing hostess, I joined Becca at my original table to greet the CEO and representatives from other companies I didn’t know. After telling Becca we’d catch up later, I made my way to Royce’s table.

On my way there, I spotted the little girl I’d seen at the grocery store. All dressed up in a pale pink dress, she looked bored and played with her napkin. Her mom sat next to Fiona, whispering. Fiona spotted me, stopped her conversation with the little girl’s mom, and walked up to me.

“Royce said he’d meet me for lunch in a few days. You can join us if you’d like, but he wants to catch up just as much as I do. We had something special. I’m so glad he remembers. Nice dress, by the way. Very simple. It suits you.”

A knot twisted in my stomach. Why would Royce meet her? The point of this fake dating thing was to keep her away, wasn’t it? Was she lying?

“Thank you. How kind of you? Your dress is . . . veryloudand busy. In my humble opinion, simplicity is better than being overdone. People who wear a busy ensemble usually do it to hide something. But it suitsyou. Enjoy your evening.”

I sensed the little girl’s mom eyeing me as I walked off. She was probably close friends with Fiona and had already formed an ill opinion of me. I didn’t care.



After speakingwith two representatives from an alternative medicine company interested in supporting the program, I made my way to my table and Einar Hallsson lifted a hand, gesturing for my time.

My competitor appeared thinner and older than when I last saw him at a camping gear convention about a month ago. In order to protect myself and my businesses, I had to investigate my opponent. It was the only way to survive. Survival meant scanning the horizon for potential threats and preparing. I’d done the same to the bullies who tormented me in high school. Those bullies helped shape me to become the man I was today.

No one fucked with me.

The only people I trusted were my aunt and my boys. Everyone else fell into a category where they’d pay if they crossed me. My boys and I came together because we all needed to survive a darkness that hounded us. Our lives could’ve gone the other way, but our passion to make something of ourselves drove us to succeed.

“How are you, Einar?” I shook his hand.

“Fine. You?”

“Could be better. I’ve been dealing with a lot of inconveniences at my excursion sites.” I studied his face, which showed exhaustion.

Einar pressed his lips into a tight line. “Sorry to hear that. I didn’t realize how involved you were with the Volcanic Sustainability Research Program. It’s helping Iceland and other countries immensely.”

“Thank you. We need programs like this to help us live longer and healthier lives.”

I should have asked about the status of his business, but I already knew. It would be useless chatter, and I wasn’t in the mood for that.

“Listen, are you interested in expanding your business here?”

I quirked an eyebrow. “In what way?”

“I’m thinking of selling Hallsson’s Excursions. Interested?”

Buying his company hadn’t been on my radar at all. It was smaller than mine, but he’d been in business a lot longer, and his location was prime real estate.