Page 129 of The Daredevil

“Can’t a woman miss her man?” I kissed his chin. “I thought you were working in your office.”

“I changed into your shirt and figured we could go shopping today.” He released me onto my feet and picked up the mail.

“Shopping? Where? I didn’t know you liked to shop.”

“I don’t usually go to the mall, but there’s a special event happening at Providence Place.” He looked through the mail and offered me a pink envelope. “You’ve got mail.”

Surprised, I read the sender’s name and smiled. “It’s from Lily Parker.”

I opened it and read the invitation to a STEM Presentation by young children around the world. It was at the Children’s Science Museum in Boston. She also sent a photo of her working with a group of kids, looking happy. The girl in the photo differed from the unhappy one I saw at the gala with all the makeup on.

“I got invited to Lily’s STEM presentation. Will you come with me?”

“Of course. I signed her up for it. There’s no way I’d miss it.”

“You did?” I eyed him. “When?”

“When I met her and her mom to let them know how lucky they are. I told them what you did for them. Lily confessed she hated the beauty pageants and wanted to get into STEM.” He tipped up my chin. “She’s a smart girl, and she’ll go far.”

My heart burst with joy. “Thank you for doing that.”

Royce kissed me lightly on the lips. “You’re welcome. Brittany is also doing well with her treatments.”

I didn’t expect Royce to take on the extra responsibility. “You didn’t have to follow up on all that.”

“I know. But you gave them a second chance. I need to make sure they don’t screw it up.”

Smiling, I clasped his hand. “I’ve got something for you.”

“Oh? Another ‘private excursion?’” He smirked and playfully smacked my butt.

“Maybe later tonight if you behave the rest of the day.” I led him to my office and placed him in my chair, facing my computer. “Sit and watch this.”

I clicked the folder and opened the first blog post from my For Those Who Seek Love and Wonder series.

Standing beside him, I let him read the post and looked at the images I’d gotten from his team at Whitewater Family Resort in Oregon. It was where he’d saved me, where we first “met.”

When he finished, he yanked me onto his lap, where I loved to be. “That’s an incredible promotion. I love it. Where did you get the videos and images?”

“David, your director, was very helpful. I told him I was making something special for his boss and needed his help with current images and videos. He also provided me with a list of all the other directors from your various locations. I’ve acquainted myself with your entire team.”

“Where did you find the time to do all of this?”

“Oh, here and there. When you love someone, you make time for them, right?” I gestured to the computer. “There are three hundred and sixty-five blogs to promote all your excursion sites. One for each day of the year.”

“That’s a lot of work you did.” The green eyes that always saw through my defenses sparkled, turning into a darker shade. “You love me that much?”

“I love you a whole lot more. This is just one way of showing it.” I shifted to straddle him, studying his face. Emotion stirred in me as I absorbed everything about him.

“You okay?” he asked, looking concerned.

Nodding, I inhaled a deep breath to prepare myself for what I was about to share. “Being deeply loved by you gave me strength, while loving you gave me back myself. I love you the way the river runs toward the ocean; it doesn’t know any other route. I love you the way the storm loves the wind; the force makes it stronger. I love you the way the volcano transforms under pressure; it creates the burning beauty beneath the surface. And I love you the way the night sky admires the Northern Lights; one complements the other.” I swallowed as my lips trembled with the truth. “You are the essence of everything around me, and I didn’t know how to appreciate them until you loved me.”

Royce sucked in a breath as emotions transformed his eyes and face. He kissed me long and hard.

“That is the most spellbinding declaration I’ve ever received.” His thumbs brushed across my cheek. “Does that mean you’ll take my offer and work with me? Be the promoter for my excursions?”

I loved how he said workwithhim instead offorhim. He respected me and acknowledged my self-worth and identity.