Page 66 of The Daredevil

He crushed his lips to mine, kissing me with an urgency that jolted my body alive. The kiss sent an explosion of sensations through me. Any reservations about holding back snapped free. The fearless version of me wanted to feel everything he would give. I’d been depriving myself after my breakup with Julian. I had let a man hurt me, making me forget who I was. No more.

Royce had lured me back to myself in subtle ways—his concern for my safety, his protectiveness. He gave without asking me for anything in return.

Though restrained, I felt freer than I ever had. But the desire to break free had nothing to do with me feeling trapped. It was sexual energy wanting release.

I squirmed under him, creating more friction between us. “I want to touch you.”

He released my wrists immediately. “Please do,” he whispered, and I felt his smile on my lips.

My fingers dug into his hair as his tongue traced my lips, making me moan. His tongue slid in and seduced mine. Tongues twirled as gasps escaped from our hungry mouths. If that kiss in the lagoon had ignited me, this one was a volcanic eruption.

My body trembled from the glide of his tongue and the merging of breath. I’d remember this moment when all my senses heightened to unfamiliar levels. The masculine scent, his unique taste, the curious touch, the sounds humming around me, the feel of his hard body against mine—everything becamemorewith this man.

His mouth moved along my chin to settle at my neck, nibbling on my skin. A shiver zipped through me. I breathed in everything about him—the scent of his shampoo, the softness of his hair, and the roughness from his five o’clock shadow tantalizing my shoulder.

Moaning, I licked my lips, wanting that unique taste of him again.

As though sensing my needs, his mouth came back to mine. He held nothing back, and neither did I. We were like two desperate people starving for each other.

“I want . . .” I couldn’t speak clearly from the onslaught of heat and need.

“What do you want, angel?” He nibbled my earlobe and sent a fiery trail down my neck with his mouth and tongue. He slid a hand under my shirt, under my bra, and palmed my breast. “Tell me.” His darkened eyes demanded an honest answer I couldn’t hide.

“I want more. I want your clothes off right now.” I tugged at his shirt.

“And I want yours off too.” He stood and removed his shirt, pants, and boxers, whipping them aside.

I rose to a sitting position and stared at the massive cock begging to be touched. He sucked in a breath as I ran my fingers along his length. I twirled my finger, signaling for him to turn around for me.

Smirking, he said, “As you wish.”

“Wow.” He had a strong and splendid back packed with muscles.

“Like what you see?” He glanced over his broad shoulders, meeting my eyes.

I loved watching his muscles bunch and lengthen with sleek fluidity as he shifted slightly. My eyes went to the lightning bolt tattoo at the center of his back. “I love this art on your back. What does it signify?”

Royce turned. “Clarity, truth, courage, strength, and renewal. When you’re in a thunderstorm, lightning illuminates, showing you what’s hidden, showing you the truth—sometimes ugly, sometimes not. It takes courage and strength to weather a storm. A storm clears out old energy, bringing in a new day.”

My heart trembled at his touching words. I knew that for him to grasp this wisdom meant he’d been through hell. I wanted to know everything about him. I wanted to be his lightning bolt, to show him how exquisite, strong, brave, and worthy he was to me.

“I’ll never look at a lightning bolt the same way.”

Smiling, he jerked a chin to my clothed body and reached for my shirt. “Off.”

I let him remove my clothes, dropping them on the floor. He stared at my body. “You’re absolutely beautiful.”

His smoky voice was like silk brushing against my skin, creating delicious shivers down my body. He hovered over me, bracing a hand on either side of the couch, trapping me between his powerful arms. He looked like a beast surveying his prey. I wanted to be his prey, wanted everything he’d offer me tonight.

I was desperate for him in a way I couldn’t understand. Maybe there was no need for any understanding, just feeling was enough for me.

Royce captured my mouth in a powerful kiss that forced me to lean back further into the couch. His knee urged my legs apart, making me feel vulnerable. I was bare to him, but he didn’t know that yet.

I was showing him aspects of me no other man had seen—the wild Michelle who wanted to explore in bed. With Julian, he only wanted to fuck missionary-style because it made him feel powerful and in charge. I never dared suggest anything else.

But with Royce, I felt I could be me—do whatever my heart desired.

I gasped when his hands cupped my breasts and teased my nipples. Liquid heat pooled in my core.