I didn’t want to leave his car. What was happening to me? Royce had completely thrown me. I had images to review and blog posts to create. I didn’t need a distraction to add to the pile.
“Thanks, but I don’t want to bother you. I can call a taxi.”
“It’s not a bother. I insist. Audri and Remi would be mad at me, knowing I didn’t take care of you here.”
I laughed. “I’m a grown woman, Royce. Audri and Remi aren’t my parents. I appreciate the offer, though.”
“I own a tour company, which includes livery service.” Amusement sparked in his eyes. “If I make you nervous, you can call this number whenever you need a ride. There are people on call twenty hours a day. Just call. It’s on the house.”
I didn’t hear anything except“if I make you nervous.”
“Why would I be nervous?” I asked too quickly.
“Just a hunch. I could be wrong.” He leaned over to my side, and the musky scent of his cologne slithered up my nose, moving ever so slowly down my spine like some wicked seduction, making me shiver. “I’m teasing, Michelle.” He held out a card with the number to the car service and moved back to his side. I didn’t miss the small smile that curled onto his lips.
What was he thinking?
“Thanks,” I said, even though I had no plan on using it.
“We should exchange numbers while we’re here in case of an emergency.”
Now that made sense to me. I gave him my phone to enter his contact information and added mine to his.
After that, I exited the car, waved at him, and rushed up to my apartment, trying my best not to fall flat on my face. Once I got inside, I leaned back into the closed door and released a breath. Nerves twisted in my stomach, but these were a fresh set of nerves. These didn’t come from my dark closet.
These came from a man who could influence my body without even trying.
After inhaling and exhaling a few more breaths, I kicked off my shoes, dropped my purse onto the kitchen table, and plopped down onto the soft couch.
Today had been interesting, starting with meeting Fiona, who viewed me as her competitor, to having my purse stolen and realizing my attraction to Royce. A rush of air left my lungs as the last thought solidified in my head. I didn’t expect to be attracted to him, but it seemed stronger every time I was near him.
I should start on the NewYou Beauty blog posts, but I decided it could wait. My mind wasn’t prepared to work right now. Some girl talk with my besties would be perfect.
I got off the couch, fished my phone out of my purse, and noticed a text from Royce.
Don’t be nervous around me. I don’t bite.
My heart thudded as a smile formed on my lips. The word “bite” sent my brain into wild territory. Was he thinking of biting me? Where did he want to bite me with his sexy lips? The muscles in my inner thighs tightened as though wanting his mouth there.
This was insane. My attraction to Royce seemed to come out of nowhere. Would the attraction have been as powerful if we had been in Providence? He was devastatingly handsome anywhere he went. The strong-boned face, the magnetic green eyes, and the towering body made me feel safe even when I wasn’t in danger. He was well over six feet compared to my 5’7” height. I’d never considered him a potential partner because we were friends. He’d brought a girl to an outing at Grayson’s house the last time I saw him, but I’d just broken up with Julian. Kindling a new romance had been the last thing on my mind.
But, God, this attraction to Royce crippled me to some extent. The way he stared at my breasts that day still aroused me. I had to get him off my chest—pun intended—so I could focus on my work. I replied to his text message.
But I do bite.
Why did I taunt? It was as though my brain wanted to text something appropriate, but my fingers detoured. What the hell?
Oh . . .
A few seconds went by. Did I offend him? Did I cross the line? What was going through his mind right now?
Then maybe I can take you out for a bite to eat.
I bit my bottom lip as joy sparked in my stomach. He’d just twisted my words and asked me out to dinner. I should be extra cautious with a man who could twist things to suit his needs.
What should I say? Did he mean tonight? I wasn’t ready.
M:Not tonight. Maybe next week.