Page 111 of The Mastermind

“You’ve always been creative. I’m glad it’s working out well for you.” Grayson looked at me with a serious expression. “This thing with Remi, is it serious? You told me about it when it first started, but I want to know if you’re happy.”

I took a moment to gather my thoughts.

“Even though he’s my best friend, I have to know how he’s treating you. If he wrongs you, I’ll kick his ass. I told Remi to be straight with me, and he said that the relationship is the real deal. But I want to hear from you.”

The real deal.Remi and I had a lot to discuss.

I dug my fingers into the bedsheets and twisted. “It’s more serious than I thought.” I didn’t want Grayson to know that there were things we had to hash out.

“Do you love him?” my brother asked.

There was no reason to hide anything. I was sick of deception.

I nodded. “Yeah, I do.”

Grayson smiled. “I always wondered why he was different with you when we were kids. Out of all the boys, he was the most attentive to you, even more so than I was.”

“You’re my brother. You’re supposed toignoreme.”

“You’re my little sister, and you’re supposed to listen to me.” Grayson laughed. “You never do.”

I laughed. “A sister’s job is to annoy you, not listen to you. How did you know about all of this—Derek, Brian, everything?”

Grayson smirked with a hint of pride in his eyes. “Your boyfriend masterminded a complex plan that lured Brian to incriminate himself and his mom. Then Brian led the FBI to where they caught him trying to destroy evidence linked to Derek.”

If Remi orchestrated the meeting in the alley, did he also arrange all those hurtful words he had said about me? Had I misunderstood him? What about that picture with the woman?

“When you were abducted, Remi escalated everything with precision. Since he had already set the plan in motion, it was easier to locate you, ensure your safety, and notify the right people. He had been a few steps ahead of the game.” Grayson yawned, looking just as tired as I was. “I’m relieved you’re safe and nothing worse happened.”

“Oh, my God! Audri, are you all right, sweetheart?” My teary-eyed mom rushed in and gave me an enormous hug.

Grayson got up, embraced our mom, and gestured to the chair. “Mom, take my seat. I need to make some calls.”

“Thanks, honey.” Mom looked me over with keen eyes. “Did the doctor check you thoroughly? Are you hurt anywhere? Did that bastard do anything to you?” More questions spewed from my mom, and I told her the truth.

Given the horrific situation, I was okay. After Grayson shed some light on what Remi had done, I was more than okay.

Mom and I cried while we chatted about what Derek had done to our family. I questioned her about Derek’s intention, and she told me she had declined his onetime advance, telling him she could only love one man—my father. He never made a move on her again. I supposed he just loved her from a distance.

We held onto each other and promised to be supportive as we moved forward as a family. How could anyone move on after something like this? With time? Patience?

I didn’t know if I could ever forgive Derek for what he did, but I could learn to focus on the good things in my life and move past all the ugliness. It was like driving on the road, heading to my destination. While I acknowledged the scenery, whether it was beautiful or repulsive, I didn’t want anything to distract me from reaching my destination, my happiness.

I hoped Mom and Grayson would find the strength to find their contentment.

With all that had come to light, I should never have feared fire. It had never been the root of my issue. Deep down, I kept burning for the truth, and now that I found it, the truth in me burned for the man I love. I could see everything for what it was.

I love him with all that I am.

He was the essence of my soul—the wildfire around me, within me. How could I fear something that was an innate part of me?

Nerves tumbled in my stomach that our relationship could combust if we didn’t resolve our issues.

Where was he, anyway? He had been gone for a while. I’d expected him to return to check on me.