“He is,” she agreed as we kissed again, and I ruffled Jayden’s hair when he came back to hug me, then hurried to go play again.

I wrapped my hand around Nina’s waist and kissed her forehead. My phone buzzed in the pocket of my pants, and I took it out and saw it was a call from Jim.

“Are you gonna take that?” Nina asked when I stared at the phone for a long time. In the last two years, I had been on a mission only once, and even though it wasn’t anything as dangerous as the uncover job we went on in Jeddah, Nina still worried about me the entire week I was away.

I dragged in a deep breath and shook my head. “Actually, I won’t,” I answered, then ignored the call and tucked my phone away. “I’ll give Jim a call back later. Today is all about you, my lovely wife, and my beautiful baby boy. We have a family interview to get to.”

She grinned wide and pecked the tip of my nose before hugging me tight. “Jayden … buddy, come give dad a hug,” I called, and Jayden came running into my arms with excitement.

We hugged and laughed as we walked out of Nina’s studio, and I had never been more happy than I was at that moment.