“What happened?” I managed to say and got the attention of the nurse and doctor in the room.

They both faced me, and the doctor walked over to the side of my bed, then put a hand on my forehead. “Good thing you collapsed in my hands,” he said with a smile. “I’m a doctor, so I brought you straight here.”

I tried to sit up but groaned because my shoulders felt heavy. The doc helped me sit upright, then he stepped away to let the nurse check my vitals.

“Thanks,” I murmured, then licked my dry lips and looked at him again.

“How do you feel?”

“Dizzy?” I responded. “Tired and nauseous too.”

“Hmm, it’s common in the first trimester of pregnancy, and since you’re only three weeks along, I’m sure this is just the beginning.”


I laughed because that was the most sensible thing to do at that moment. I wrapped my hands around my abdomen, tossed my head back, then gave birth to a full-blown mirth that shocked both the doctor and the nurse.

My insides tickled as I laughed, my cheeks flushed hot, and my eyes widened when they didn’t share my humor.

“I mean … I’m on birth control so …” I burst into another loud bout of laughter and this time tears slid down my cheeks. “I’m not really pregnant, am I?” I croaked.

I raised both hands in a light shrug as I asked him the question, and the doctor picked up the file on the bedside table and handed it to me. “I understand that this an emotional moment, miss, but it’s the truth.

“We did a full blood work-up on you to make sure we didn’t miss anything. You’re three weeks pregnant, miss. The blood test is accurate,” he continued.

My mouth gaped.I stopped hearing for at least a second, and I didn’t even breathe. It was like every process had stopped in my body, and only the doctor’s words rang in my head.

“Well, that’s not possible, I mean …” I still tried to deny the truth that was right in front of me.I don’t want to be pregnant … I can’t be … this can’t be.

“I know it’s a shock, and we can do the tests again if you want, miss, but I’m certain the result is going to be the same,” he continued while I stared at the paper in my hands with a frown and confused glare.

Oh, what do I do now?

It was one thing to hate that Jack had dumped me so easily. Now, I had to be carrying his child? The panic came, and I knew I couldn’t stop the heavy pants coming. Another wave of nausea hit me hard, and I bolted out of the bed, hurried into the restroom, and threw up the contents of my stomach.

I released another heaving breath before rinsing my face and mouth, then joined the doctor and nurse in the room again.

Shaking and feeling choked up suddenly, I hurriedly looked around for my clothes. “I … I have to go, I’m sorry,” I stammered as I grabbed my shirt and pants, folded neatly on the chair, and clutched them to my chest alongside my bag.

“Miss, you need to stay for more evaluation and …”

“I must go, now,” I answered in a stern voice, then waited for them to exit the room before I changed into my clothes and hurried out of the building.

My insurance could cover whatever test they had done, and I didn’t need to stay in there for any more minutes because I knew I would burst into tears.

Why is this happening to me?Jack had made me want him, and then he left me hanging out to dry. He made me love him, and then he ditched me for whatever mattered most to him.

I pushed back the bitterness rising in my throat and banished the thought of love from my head. I couldn’t love Jack. I was smarter and more determined this time.

Six years ago, I could have if he let me, but now … I didn’t even think he felt anything of the sort for me. Perhaps our time in Jeddah was just a hot fling for him.

A fling he paid me for.I hugged my jacket tighter around my body, then adjusted my shoulder bag before increasing my pace. The only thought on my mind right now was getting to my apartment and taking a long hot shower to cool my nerves.

Reeling from the effect of the news I just heard, and trying to shake off the tension creeping on me, I forced my legs to move, flagged down the first cab I saw, and got in.

“55 East Street, please,” I said to the man without raising my head from my thighs.

I gulped hard while trying to ignore my worry and the panic eating its way inside me. What was I supposed to do with a baby alone? Jack didn’t want me … He never had, and I wasn’t even completely over him yet.