When he bucked his hips and thrust into me one last time, I felt his warmth fill my insides and heard his groan while he emptied his seed into me.

My heavy breathing slowly returned to normal, and Jack slid to the side of the bed, then carried me with him so my head could rest on his shoulders.

Jack curled me into his body and rested his chin on my head. “Don’t move,” he said, his words a low, breath-carrying whisper in the air. It soothed me and made me relax further into his warm embrace and close my eyes.

I hoped to stay in his arms like that for a long time, but deep down, a part of me knew that come morning, Jack would no longer be beside me.

Iwasright,I thought as I opened my eyes the next morning and groaned as the brilliant rays of sunlight filtered into the room through the open windows.

I sat up in bed slowly, stretched my arms out over my head and looked around to see Jack was not on the bed or in the room. My right hand curled around my neck, and I closed my eyes as images of our heated night flashed through my memory and made me sigh.

I licked my lower lip, then blew out air from my lips before I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. Somehow, I hoped Jack would show up before I finished my shower. I wanted to talk about last night, but if he didn’t want to, then that was fine too.

Either way, I wondered where he had run off to. I spent time in the shower, took my time to try out the shampoo and conditioner in there, and then I did a little dance and tried to get my mind off the fact that last night was the second-best night of my life.

The first was one that I had spent six years trying to forget.

Some minutes after I got dressed in a stunning blue dress in the closet, I stepped out of our room and headed down the majestic hallway toward the stairs.

A gentleman greeted me with a head bow there, then he said something to the man with him in Arabic before he looked at me again and smiled.

“Mrs. Muller,” he said. “I’m Sayed and I am to accompany you for the rest of the day.”

“Accompany?” I questioned as I put my hand in his, and then let him guide me down the stairs. Once we got to the ground floor, we began walking towards the dining hall.

“Yes,” he answered. “The sheikh is out golfing with your husband, and as our guests, I’ve been given the privilege of making sure you have everything you need—including a very American breakfast.”

Sayed did a hand wave once we got to the dining hall, and I noticed the table was already set with different dishes I couldn’t even recognize, and yet it was called American.

“Can I just have toast or a bagel or something?” I asked with a polite smile.

The man ticked with his lips and then pulled out a chair for me. “Sheikh Zayed Al-Mufti left very specific instructions. He’ll kill me if I don’t follow them.”

I sat and rolled my eyes.Why did everyone make jokes about dying?

Three women dressed in lovely black dresses and their hair covered filed into the dining hall, and one of them placed a plate in front of me while the other began to serve me some tea.

It felt like I was in some regency movie where I would have servants make me breakfast and also wipe my lips if I spilt tea.

This is crazy.

I forced on a smile because Sayed was watching me, and once they served me some salad, chicken, and sweet potatoes diced in a bowl, I picked up my cutlery and tasted the salad first.

“What about the sheikh’s wife?”

“The shay kaha is out with her friends. They decided to visit the mall this morning, and I don’t think they’ll be back until much later. It seems like you’re stuck with me for the morning, Mrs.”

Sayed wore a full smile, and I could relax a little because it seemed harmless. Although I couldn’t eat much of the breakfast, it helped to drink some of the delicious tea served.

After breakfast, Sayed and I walked the long halls of the mansion, and he gave me a detailed breakdown of the portraits of every sheikh that had lived in the palace before Zayed Al-Mufti.

“The elder elected the sheikh in the past, but now it’s more of a political alliance,” Sayed was saying as we walked back towards my bedroom, and I stopped in front of the door and turned to him.

This was really nice, Sayed,” I told him. “Thank you for keeping me busy for the morning.”

He bowed his head. “Ring the bell in your room if you need anything. I’m always at your service.”

I released a deep breath when he walked away, and I glanced at the watch on my wrist to realize I had spent the entire morning with him. It was past noon now, and there was still no sign of Jack or text from him.