I looked up at the expectant faces of everyone standing behind Jack, and the flush tunneling through me slowly started to spread into anger.

Was all of this funny to him? Did he think he could make me flustered in front of all these people for fun?

Visibly upset and feeling tight knots form in the pit of my stomach, I ignored the chants of “Say yes” from the crowd, grabbed Jack’s arm, and pulled him to his feet.

“Come with me,” I said in a stern voice as I led him away.

Of course, he came willingly. There was no way I could drag Jack along with me. Not with his size and build. Even through the sleeve of his suit jacket, I could feel the rippling, toned muscles beneath.

Touching him there reminded me of that night. Feverish whispers of desire floated through my mind.

Open your eyes … I want to feel you … Make love to me, Jack.

Stop remembering that night!I cautioned as I got to a corner, then pushed him against the wall and released him.

“What is the meaning of this? If this is some kind of silly joke to you, Jack, then I’m one hundred percent not interested in—”

“I’ll pay you,” he interrupted as he took my hand and put the flowers he held in it. “Thirty thousand if you say yes, and another thirty once the deed is done.”

My eyes widened, and I blinked rapidly, trying to process what he just said to me.

“Thirty too small?” he asked, then rubbed his brow. “Fifty?”

“Jack,” I stopped him. “What are you doing? You don’t need a wife … You don’t even want a wife.”

“You’re right, I don’t, but I need one.”

“Start explaining.”

He sighed, combed his fingers through his hair, then looked me deep in the eyes and launched right in. “I need a wife for a business deal. There’s a partner in Jeddah, and I need him to partner with me on a project. I can’t go into the details now, but he’s big on family, and the one way to win his heart is to appear like I have the same values as him. That way, he will feel safe getting in bed with me.”

I arched a brow suspiciously, and he sighed again. “I mean, do business with me.”

“I know what ‘getting in bed’ means,” I remarked and punched him on the shoulder lightly. “So, this isn’t some prank you’re playing?” I asked tentatively as I looked at the flowers, then lifted them to my nose and inhaled their scent gently.

“Do I ever play pranks on you?” he asked, then burst into a light giggle when I slanted him a death glare. “Okay fine … but for the record, they are always Ryan’s ideas, not mine.”

I smiled a little, and Jack slipped his hands into his pockets and then smiled.

“So, yes?” he asked. “Those roses suit the shade on your lips,” he added, and I suspected it was a side comment because he looked distracted while staring at my lips. “And I’ll be a very good husband; I give you my word.”

Fifty thousand was a lot of money. I didn’t think it was right to fool anyone into thinking he was something he wasn’t, but the prospect of having that much cash was tempting.

There’s a lot I can do with it. I could even dream of owning my own photography agency again.It was a dream I had given up on for some time now because I didn’t think I could ever raise enough funds to start one, and it was a competitive market.

“Nina, I need this,” Jack said in a low tone and brought my attention to him again. “I wouldn’t risk my bachelorhood if I didn’t.”

“I’ll think about it,” I said to him, not wanting to give in too easily.

“Thank you,” he said, and was about to come for a hug, but I stopped him by raising a hand.

“Distance … I haven’t agreed to anything yet.”

“Right,” he replied, then winked and grinned. “But you will … you definitely will.”

Chapter Four
