We made love under the basking hues of sunrise, and I loved the expression on Jack’s face as he thrust in and out of me fully without taking a moment to breathe.

I didn’t want to breathe either. He filled and consumed me just like I wanted. I loved this man, and every second spent with him was magical. Jack’s kisses were tender, they made me want to be with him all the time.

We were taking it slow, one day at a time, but I already could not wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

He linked our fingers, drew my hand to his lips, and kissed the front of my palm before his lips came crashing down on mine again.

“I love you, Nina,” he whispered as his body slid in and out of mine. My legs stayed wrapped around his waist, and I writhed beneath him, enjoying every moment and the thrust of his hips.

“I love you too.”

More kisses and whispers of pleasure made me spiral over the edge. His lovemaking was all I had ever dreamed of, and this moment with him was more perfect than anything.

Seconds after we managed to catch our breath, Jack drew me closer into his arms and caressed my body. He smoothed a hand over my back, pressed me closer to him, then sprayed kisses all over my face.

His touch was warm, and it reminded me of the first time we were together. There wasn’t a moment when I didn’t want to be with him. Jack also clung to me every chance he got, and that made me feel warmer and safer.

We had a double date with Ryan and his wife tonight, and we were already late to join them at the club. My one week working in Denver would soon be over, and I had to get back to New York to resume work.

“You promised him, not me,” Jack said as he continued nuzzling the side of my neck again. “I just want to spend time with you like this and not go anywhere.”

He caressed my back, then gently touched the spot where the sheikh’s bullet hit me two months ago. “I’m terribly sorry about this, Nina. I’ll always be sorry,” he whispered as he kept his face buried in the croon of my neck.

“You don’t have to be sorry anymore, Jack,” I told him, then drew back a little so I could stare into his eyes and touch his face. “I love you, and I’m happy to be with you.”

His gaze remained solemn on mine, and we kissed tenderly at first before he slid his tongue into my mouth and took the kiss to another level. The passion in the air made me wrap my hands around his neck and lean closer into the kiss.

When our lips parted, I laughed and rested my forehead on his. “Ryan will be crazy pissed if we miss the hangout for tonight,” I said and laughed as he tickled my sides and pulled me closer to him again. “He says you spend most of your time in New York now and the baby hasn’t even arrived yet. What happens when it does?”

“You know what happens,” Jack answered before he kissed me and stole every thought from my mind. “I’ll make you my wife and move to New York to be with you.”

“What about your business?” I asked as I regarded him closely. Jack had been toying around with the idea of moving to New York to be with me for a while now, but I didn’t think he was serious about it.

“I have the best workers, trust me, everything will be fine. I want to be with you and our son every step of the way. You’re what matters to me now, Nina, and I’m never leaving you ever again.”

“What makes you think it’s a boy?” I asked in a teasing tone.

“I know he is.”

We both giggled like high school kids, then he began caressing my body and kissing me again like he wanted to make love to me.

“We really should go hang out with Ryan,” I said while laughing, and I drew him out of the bed so we could hop in the shower.

“I’ll just make love to you in the shower then,” he said, then lifted me off the bed and carried me into the bathroom. While the cool water slashed down on our bodies, I responded passionately to his touch and kisses till my body became one with his.

Jack didn’t take it slow. This time, it was raw passion and energy. I matched his pace and his kisses until we both cried out in ecstasy again and clung to each other to finish our shower.

One hour later, we made it to the club. “Ahh, and the latest couple arrives,” Ryan joked when we got to his regular spot. I laughed, gave my brother a side hug, and kissed his cheeks before I sat beside Jack.

“Bourbon for me,” Jack requested, after greeting Ryan’s wife.

“A mocktail for me,” I said to the bartender.

“How are you feeling recently?” Ryan asked.

“Better than ever … it’s like I’m getting a new surge of energy I’ve never had before. It feels great; I feel great.”

My right hand moved over my abdomen, and I gently caressed it through the blue dress I wore for the night. Jack sat by my side, and he didn’t take his eyes off me. He smiled and responded to Ryan’s jokes, but we made eye contact and I blushed at intervals.