“We should meet Jim. He’ll tell us what to do.”

“That’s it?”

I didn’t answer Ryan, instead, I sprang into action, opened my suitcase and took out my bulletproof vest and my gun.

“Woah,” Ryan exclaimed as I slid in the bullets and stuck the pistol in my hostler before strapping it on. “Do I get a gun too?”

“Ryan, come on,” I said, and he followed me out of the room.

We drove to the location, and I tried calling Jim again. “Our van is right behind you. I have the sheikh’s location. Our inside man is in there with him, but we must move quickly and get you in there too.”

“How do you plan to do that?” I asked.

“The old way,” Jim answered, and I was certain a smile played out on his face wherever he was now.

“Jim … the woman I love is in there with the sheikh. I can’t risk her getting in the way of a crossfire, so I’m asking you again—do you have a plan?”

“I do,” Jim answered. “Trust me, and meet me at the Tapestry Hall, 45 Rowing Street. It’s only a three-minute drive from where you are.”

“See you there.”

Ryan was staring at me the entire time, and once I ended the call with Jim, I turned to him and took my hands off the steering wheel. “I’ll have to leave you here, Ryan.”

“What? I mean … why? I thought we had to find Nina together?”

“I can’t risk you getting hurt in all of this, so I’ve got to leave you here and meet Jim wherever he asks me to.”

“Take a cab, Ryan. I’ll bring Nina back.”

“You sure?” he asked, but I couldn’t answer that question because my hands were shaking and I was trying my best to look steady. “Jack …” he called again, and I turned to him, plastered my hands on his shoulder, and stared hard at him.

“I’ll bring Nina back, Ryan.”

Ryan got out of the car after giving me a nod, and I sucked in a deep breath to hold my queasy insides in before keying the engine to start.

Once I got to Jim, I parked by the side of the road and walked over to the CIA van they opened for me. “Jim,” I greeted him, and he nodded before I looked at the faces of the other agents in the van.

“We’ve been following the sheikh since he entered the States with his trusted man, who happens to be a CIA agent too. We got his location; he’s holding the young lady in a warehouse on Fort Mason, and we’re headed there now.”

The pain in my chest matched the one in my head, and the only thought keeping me from going insane was Nina. The memory of her smile, and the feel of her skin against mine.

Those were the thoughts that kept me going, and I had to hold myself together until I found her. I blew air out of my lips, closed my eyes, and gathered my strength.

“Tell me what I need to do.”

Jim went over the details of his plan with me while we stared at the layout of the warehouse, which we had been able to pull from our satellites. We had agents in the van, and another SWAT team from the FBI joining us.

All I cared about was finding Nina.

I’ll never let her go this time.

We drove to the warehouse, and the SWAT team, disguised as regular people, carefully surrounded the warehouse. The evening was fast approaching, and the longer Nina stayed with the sheikh, the more I worried that he would hurt her.

“You know what you need to do, Jack … once you get into the warehouse you make sure you get the civilian out first.”


“We’re getting the sheikh this time.”