Dang it, it’s Jim.

A knot formed in my stomach, and I blew out air from my lips, then raised a hand to Ryan. “Time out, buddy, I need to speak with Jim.”

“Right, but we get back to fighting once you’re done.”

I nodded, then took the call. “Hey, Jim.”

“Where are you? I’ve been calling.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m sending you ticket details to New York right now. Remember the civilian I told you not to use as your fake wife? Well turns out the sheikh has men tailing her, and we need to make sure she’s not hurt, or else that will be on you.”

“Wait, what?”

“Check your e-mail, Jack, and please listen to me next time.”

He ended the call before I got a chance to say anything, and I dropped the phone to the table and sucked in a deep breath.

Okay Jack, breathe and think … take a deep breath and think.

I was trying to calm my nerves, but my usual go-to antics were not working, and Ryan had started his rambling again.

“She’s my sister, Jack … She’s our sister, and you … Oh my God when did this start? When did you first …”

“Ryan …” I called, but he didn’t stop talking. “Ryan,” I called again.

“Jack, what the hell were you thinking?” he yelled. “Nina’s not the kind of girl that you hurt and …”

“Nina’s in danger,” I yelled back at him to get him to shut up, and Ryan froze. His eyes widened, then he stepped away from me and blew out air from his lips. “Jim just called, and it looks like the sheikh is tailing her, and he … She might be in trouble and …”

“We’ve got to get to her,” Ryan said, ready to drop everything, including his anger. “We can’t let her get hurt.”

“Yes, we should get to her. I need to get to New York; I need to find Nina and make sure—“

“We need to,” Ryan cut in. “We need to make sure Nina is all right.”

I nodded at him, and he turned to hurry away, but I stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder. “I don’t want to hurt Nina, but it’s obvious that’s what I’ve done. I’m scared Ryan … I’m scared that I don’t deserve to be with her, and so I ignored her.”

“I’m going to kick your ass, Jack,” Ryan seethed as he glared at me.

“After we make sure Nina is all right.”

“Yes,” Ryan agreed. “After.”

He walked to the door, and I spoke. “And you could never beat me.”

Ryan shook his head as he walked out of the kitchen, then I sighed, and ruffled my hair with both hands.

Why did I feel the need to run?Nina was everything I wanted. I still craved her. I still wanted her.But now she’s in danger because of me.

Ryan joined me, and we headed for the airport while I tried calling her.

“Her line’s not reachable,” I complained after a few tries, already feeling queasy and scared that the sheikh had gotten to her.

“Let me try,” Ryan said, and he plastered his phone to his ear for a second before saying. “It’s going through.”

“Great,” I answered, but felt another tight knot form in the pit of my stomach because I suspected she had blocked me.