A man pretended to be washing his hands too, and I knew he was one of the sheikh’s men. He kept looking at me, so to intimidate him, I asked in a gruff voice. “Is there a problem?”

“No,” he answered quickly, then wiped his hands on his jacket and walked past me.

Alone in the restroom now, I stared at my reflection in the mirror for a long time before I straightened the lapel of my jacket and walked out of the restroom.

When I got to our table, Nina was no longer sitting there. Panic rose through me as I looked around the dining area and tried to find her. The heavy pang that entered my chest felt like it would make my heart stop beating, and I didn’t know what to think or do.

I raced to the receptionist and asked. “There was a blonde lady sitting over there, have you seen her?” I asked.

“No, sir,” the woman answered.

Oh God … Nina.

I was starting to hyperventilate, and I couldn’t think straight because of the tension ebbing through all of my muscles.

I spun around on my feet and continued searching for her. Two men approached me to take me out of the restaurant because I was causing a scene, and I let them lead me to the door and push me out.

A limo parked outside drove to my front, and the door slowly opened. I saw Nina sitting in there, and seeing her instantly made every heaviness in my heart fade.

“God … Nina …” I raced into the limo and grabbed her hands.

“I’m sorry, the sheikh’s men took me out and …”

“It’s all right … it’s all right,” I consoled, then wrapped my hands around her till she calmed.

When I pulled back again, I looked at the men sitting in front of the limo and asked. “What is the meaning of this?”

“The sheikh wants to dine with you both, and we were asked to bring you back to the estate.”

“You can’t kidnap my wife and tell me—”

“It is not kidnapping, sir,” the man interrupted. “She refused to come with us and we had to make her.”

I swallowed and linked Nina’s hand with mine to make sure she wasn’t frightened.

“Fine … take us to the sheikh,” I said.

The driver took off and we began the ride back to the sheikh’s palace, and I brought Nina close to me so she could rest her head on my shoulders. I didn’t say a word to her, and I didn’t let her speak. The sheikh wanted to send a message because he suspected me.

What I had to do now was cement his trust and make sure he didn’t have any other reasons to doubt our alliance.

When we reached the palace, I walked with Nina inside and we met the shay kaha waiting at the wide empty hall they used as a reception area.

“Welcome, Mr. Muller,” she said, then looked to Nina. “Mrs. Muller … the sheikh awaits your arrival. He hates it when his guests are late to dinner.”

Chapter Eleven


Afterdinner,Iheadedback to our room. I paced around for some time and tried to get my head on straight. Dinner was amazing, yes, and the sheikh had been very nice, but it did nothing to hide the tension I felt the entire time we sat at the table.

The worse part was, the shay kaha kept looking at me like I stole something, and even when the sheikh was trying to be nice, her side glares did not go unnoticed.

Did I do something to blow our cover?Or are these people naturally untrusting?

I heaved out a deep breath while pacing and kept waiting for the moment Jack would walk in so I could talk to him.

Seconds ticked into minutes, and soon I was done waiting. I dropped on the bed and kicked my feet out of the stilettos I had worn the entire night so I could massage my feet and heels, then I walked out of our room and padded down the stairs gently.