Goodness, the smitten look in his eyes made me want to puke.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Nina asked in a harsh tone as she tried to stop me from dragging her along.

“You’re drunk. If you want to dance, then you dance with me.”

“Let go of me or I’ll scream and kick you,” she threatened.

I stopped walking, turned to her, and pressed her to my body with my arms wrapped around her waist. “You’re with me, Nina … you’re my wife, don’t forget that.”

Nina tipped her head back and burst into a low laugh. “Your wife? You’re delusional, I could never marry you.”

“Nina …”

“It’s just a game, Jack, get your head on straight. Don’t think one night rolling in the sheet with you will make me squirm with pleasure just from the sight of you and bend to your will.”

She hiked her chin in defiance, and her cheeks blazed red, but she still matched my steps fluidly and blended into the dance.

“People are watching,” I said when my keen gaze quickly darted around us and I saw that the sheikh was dancing with his wife, but looking at us.

“What?” Nina asked.

I pressed her close to me; she gasped and her lips fell open. I loved that reaction, and the wide look that entered her eyes satisfied me because it showed that she was also feeling this tension in the air.

“People are watching us,” I said and lowered my lips to her ear. Her breasts pressed into my chest, and her scent made me forget to breathe again.

“Oh.” she gasped before I twirled her around and brought her close again.

Our eyes met and our gazes lingered. Every other sound around us … the music, the light chatter of the guests, and even the clinks of glass against glass evaporated into the atmosphere.

Only Nina existed in my world. Only her … her eyes, her lips, her voice.

I wanted her … I craved her, and before these two weeks were over, I was sure she would drive me to the point of no return.

The song ended, but we didn’t pull apart. Her chest rose and fell in rhythm to mine, and her lips remained slightly parted. They were lush and painted red, and I wanted to kiss her till she moaned into my mouth and clutched my shoulders for support.

“I need a drink,” Nina said, then pulled away from me and sashayed across the room.

I loosened my tie and noticed Sayed glaring at me from where he stood.

“I need a drink,” I muttered to myself, then stalked away from the dance floor to find myself something strong to drink.

Chapter Nine


Scotchdidnothingtohelp me, and the champagne only made me miserable. The second I opened my eyes the next morning, the only thing I could think of was the splitting ache in my head and the patchiness in my throat.

“Try not to get up,” I heard Jack’s steady voice say when I tried to sit up. He stopped me by putting his hand on my forehead, and the feel of his cool hands against my flushed skin made me relax a bit.

I groaned as bile rose in my throat. The urge to puke hit hard and the knots twisting in the pit of my stomach hurt. “What happened last night?”

I was still wearing the red lace dress that the shay kaha gifted me, but I smelled like alcohol and sweat.Goodness, what disaster did I cause last night?

“You don’t remember a thing I’m sure, but you were quite the showgirl last night. You put on a lovely show for the sheikh and his men. Who knew you were such a good pole dancer?”

I was certain color drained from my face when he mentioned pole dancing. I gasped and nearly puked, but the bile rose to the surface and hooked there.

Jack’s eyes stayed on mine, and then he suddenly burst into laughter and shook his head. “I’m kidding,” he said. “You didn’t do anything because I brought you back home immediately.”