I raised it between two fingers for the sheikh to see, and then I slowly placed it on the table. “9x19mm ammo for MPX weapons have a parabellum cartridge, can hold up to 41 rounds, and are fitted with a streamed weapon light, vertical foregrip, and suppressor. This is the kind of deal you show up to in person, Sheikh Zayed Al-Mufti. The American CIA will kill to have their hands on my shipment.”

“I do not show up for my deals. That’s my one rule, and you know it.”

“You should show up for this one,” I insisted, but cautiously so as not to raise any suspicions. The game was to make sure the sheikh liked and trusted me enough to be there. If that didn’t work out, then my CIA team would cut their losses and take whoever did show up.

Chances were, whomever they caught wouldn’t say a word about the sheikh or his cartel.

“The tartan tactical Sig-Sauer is what I like to call a beast. I think it’ll be befitting for your person, sheikh Zayed Al-Mufti.”

Another tense moment passed; I expected more resistance, but the sheikh simply held my gaze steady before he said, “Beat me to golf and we’ll see. I might either kill you or show up. I’ll make up my mind.”

“Then it’s settled. I look forward to our D-day then, cheers.”

I lifted my glass and tipped it in the sheikh’s direction while maintaining a smile on my lips. Everything was going according to plan.

HourspassedbeforeIfinally left the sheikh for the night and headed to my bedroom. Nina was pacing around when I entered the room and closed the door behind me. My gaze first latched onto the silhouette of her in the lovely pink satin nightgown she wore, and heat rushed through all of me till I couldn’t catch my breath.

She turned to face me, then paused in her strides for a second before she rushed forward and grabbed my hands. “You’re back … how did it go? Is he pleased? Could we fool him?”

My gaze dropped to her hands on mine, and my breath hitched in my throat. Nina’s gaze pierced into mine, and the intensity of her gaze rocked me off my feet. I had to remind myself to breathe and drag my thoughts back to reality.

“I … I don’t know yet,” I answered, then slowly pulled my hand out of hers. “He says he’ll either do business with me or kill me.”

Her eyes widened as she gasped and paled. Nina’s pallor disappeared further as I gave her a serious look, but a few seconds later, my lips widened into a smile, and I laughed. “It’s a joke, he’s not going to kill me, Nina.”

She sighed and rested a hand on her chest as her shoulders sank with visible relief. “I was scared for a second,” she said, then moved towards where I now sat on the bed and took the spot beside me. “I thought you meant it literally.”

“How can I?” I asked, then tilted my head to one side to assess her. Nina glanced over her shoulder at me briefly, and when our eyes met, she dragged her gaze away from mine immediately and cleared her throat.

I noticed the right sleeve of her nightdress had slid down a bit. I could see the creamy skin at her shoulders, and the cute, tiny birthmark dot resting there.

Desire rushed through me and threatened to make my nerves spark. I couldn’t react to her like this. I spent the last six years trying to forget all the things Nina made me feel, but sitting beside her alone in this room made it feel like those years hadn’t happened.

Even the kiss during our trip.

Goodness lord!I have to get away from her.

I rose to my feet to break the tension slowly ebbing through me, then combed my fingers through my hair and began reciting the events of tomorrow’s schedule so I could get my head on straight.

“Tomorrow I’ll probably play golf with the sheikh. You have to stay back and entertain his wife. Drink with her and learn things about the Arabian culture. You’re good with people, and I’m sure you two will get along fine.”

She stopped pacing and turned to face me. “Well, I want to play golf while I am here as well,” she challenged.

Nina got on her feet and walked towards the door. Her strides gave me the chance to admire the swing of her hips and the rounded curve of her behind.

Lord …I was drowning in the sensuous heat wave that clouded my judgment and made me hard in every single way and spot. My nerves snapped and sizzled, the flutters in my chest built, and the only way I could hold onto my restraint was by reminding myself of all the reasons why she was off-limits.

She’s off-limits ... She’s Ryan’s sister, she’s off-limits.

“This room is en-suite, so I was thinking we’d at least get two rooms to ourselves. How do we share a bed?”

“It’s a king-sized bed, Nina,” I pointed out to her as I took off my suit jacket, and then my tie before I sat on the bed and began to kick off my shoes.

“I know it’s a king-sized bed, but I can’t share a bed with you. I mean … you didn’t really think we were going to share the bed, did you?”

When I didn’t say anything, she shook her head, strode over to the bed, and grabbed a pillow. “You take the couch,” she said and tossed the pillow at me.

“Ouch,” I groaned as I caught it, and tossed it aside. “How do we pretend to be in love if we don’t sleep together?” Her reaction to my statement made me chuckle before I added. “Relax, I mean in the same bed and nothing else.”