Chapter One


“ThelastthingIwant to do right now is get married to anyone, trust me.” The sharp voice behind me made me freeze for a second, and every nerve in my body tingled.

I didn’t need to turn around to know who it was.

Jack Muller!

Seeing those dark, intense eyes again and his charming smile as I turned around made my throat dry.Why is he here?Howis he here?

Different frenzied thoughts spiraled through my mind as his smooth baritone spilt more words, making my nerves rise to high alert and sending a wave of panic. A familiar memory of Jack’s gaze on mine, and his slender fingers wrapping around my throat entered my mind.

I remembered that image far too frequently over the past six years, and every time, it left my pulse skittering across the place.

Heated words flashed in my mind …I want more of you … Open your eyes for me, Nina.

The words mingled with moans and groans of dangerous pleasure. The mixture made my cheeks burn, and all of this happened in the split second that passed before Jack spoke behind me again.

“It’s an absurd plan that would never work, Ryan … you know that,” he continued, and I squeezed my eyes shut for a second before releasing a deep breath from my lips and nibbling on my lower lip.

“It’s worth a shot,” my brother replied before they reached my front. Ryan instantly beamed once he saw me. “Look who we have here,” Ryan cheered as they walked around the table and sat in front of me. “Nina,” Ryan continued.

“Nina?” Jack asked as he lowered himself to the chair opposite mine, and then his gaze landed on me. Ryan had mentioned having drinks with his friend tonight since it was my first night back in Denver, Colorado in six years, but he said nothing about that friend being Jack.

Dang it, Ryan. I should have known anyway—who else would Ryan hang out with besides his best friend, Jack?

I mustered up a smile and plastered it on my face. “Jack,” I answered, then released a short laugh. “What a pleasant surprise running into you here tonight.”

“I own the bar,” Jack answered, reminding me of his amassed wealth. “It’s been such a long time, Nina,” he added, then his gaze casually swept over my face, lingered on my lips then down my body. “How have you been?”

“I’ve been better,” I answered, not wanting to show my nervousness as my heart continued its pitter-patter against my ribs.

“Nina’s in town for a shoot,” Ryan said as he motioned for a bartender to come to our table. “I invited her for drinks tonight, and I said nothing about it because I wanted to surprise you both.” Ryan stopped, then laughed again and clapped his hands. “From the look on your faces, I’d say I got you both good,” he joked.

I rolled my eyes and gulped down the whisky in my glass. “Good thing you’ve ruined my night, Ryan,” I said to him.

“Ruined? The night’s just getting started, love,” Jack said on his end, and I whipped my eyes back to his to find him looking at me, a languid smile on his lips. “We’ve missed having you around.”

I scoffed at his statement and laughed.Missed indeed.The thing was, Jack and I could never stand each other. Not when he saved my brother’s life back in college, and not when they had become best friends over the course of the long summer.

“You have?” Ryan asked. “You two hate each other.”

“I know, right,” Jack answered. “My charm could never work on her.”

They both laughed, and I downed the second glass of whisky in front of me before adjusting the hem of my short, black dress.

Jack was a charmer to everyone, and I could understand why women flocked around him. He had an easy charm, a very dashing smile, and a body hot enough to make every woman crave, but not me.But those dark eyes though …my thoughts wandered for a second before I snapped back to reality.

Yes, he didn’t make me fawn or lose my mind at first, so why did it happen that one night? How the hell did I let Jack Muller make passionate love to me that one night six years ago? And worse, why did he choose to pretend like it never happened?

We’ve been over this, Nina, you had too many martinis for your own good, and a double malted scotch to crown it. You were tipsy, and things got out of control.

I didn’t realize my brother was speaking to me as I went over the details of the explanation I gave myself each time I remembered Jack or that night.

“Huh?” I asked, and blinked back to reality.

“How are the plans for the shoot tomorrow? Need any help with it?” Ryan interrupted.