I grit my teeth. “Thank you, Jensen.”
“They’re probably going to make a move on Normality shortly, now that this is over.”
Seb huffed a laugh. “We don’t give a shit. As long as we have proof of this to get the Syndicate off Selena’s back.”
“You can have whatever you need.”
Derek looked around. “Where is she?”
He nodded behind him to a door that was shut. “They treated her, and she’s sleeping. One of the EMTs is with her.”
“Thank you, Jensen.”
“No,” he said. “Thank you.”
He handed us some wipes to clean off the blood, and we went to see our girl.
The EMT thought I was sleeping. And I had a little. But now I was just resting with my eyes closed. I didn’t want to talk to anyone but my Alphas, and they were dealing with Delano. However long it took, I didn’t care.
My arms ached, but the bandages and painkillers they gave me were helping.
It could have been so much worse.
The door opened, and I kept my eyes closed. They gave me some loose scrubs that had been in the ambulance, but more than anything, I wanted my own clothes. Or some of my Alphas clothes. I just didn’t want to be here.
“She’s sleeping?” Derek asked.
“Yes,” the EMT said. “Has been for a while.”
I opened my eyes and found my Alphas there, all standing and looking at me. They had blood on them, and it looked like they tried to scrub off. “I’m not sleeping.”
My voice sounded strange. A bit spacey. Probably because of the pain meds.
The EMT looked over at me, and then at my Alphas. “I’ll give you guys some time.” He slipped out of the door, and they came over to me. The tall ambulatory stretcher I was on wasn’t exactly comfortable, but it was better than being in the actual ambulance.
Seb leaned down and buried his face in my hair. “Selena. Fuck, we shouldn’t have spent so much time with him.”
“Is he dead?”
“Very,” Nick said.
I smiled in spite of myself. “Good.”
Derek ran a hand gently over my arm where the bandage was. “We weren’t fast enough.”
“You saved me,” I said. “He was going to kill me, and you saved me. I’ll heal from this. How’s your shoulder?”
“It will heal.”
Sebastian ran a hand over my hair. “Will it hurt too much if I hold you, princess?”
“No.” I wanted them to hold me.