A low hiss, and I had no warning. Blazing, fiery pain against my left arm. I screamed, the stench of burning flesh singing the air and the sizzle of my own body burning. Delano had a red-hot poker held against my skin, searing, ravaging. Already my throat felt scratched.
I sagged when he pulled the poker away. “That was very good. Promising. I’ve never had anyone take to burning before. That could be fun.”
Heaving in breath, I tried to keep myself conscious. The pain…
Don’t focus on it.
Sharp biting on my other shoulder, causing me to whimper. Delano drawing lines down my skin with a scalpel and gradually getting deeper. It hurt so fucking much. Not as much as being burned, but I—
A scream ripped out of me as he stabbed the blade straight into my skin, and he laughed. “There we go. I wonder what will happen if I do that in the burn.”
“No,” I moaned. “Please.”
“Beg,” he said. “I always like it when you beg, knowing nothing you ever say will make me change my mind.”
His hand pulled back, and I flinched, ready for the pain to take me. A gunshot rang out, Delano suddenly screaming, Sebastian standing in the doorway to this room with the gun pointed.
Blood poured from the wound now in his hand.
Tears poured down my face. They were here. They found me.
“Youfuckers,” Delano swore. “How the fuck did you find this place?”
Nick was by my side in a second as Sebastian backed Delano up against the wall, gun pointed straight at his chest. Derek helped get my feet free. “Be careful of her arms,” he said.
Seb just looked at Delano. “Sorry to disappoint. I won’t be answering any of your questions. You, however, are going to have some fun. Well, as fun as what you were about to do to my Omega.”
Delano stared at me as Nick carried me out of the room and up the stairs. A whole phalanx of people were here, cleaning things up. There were dead bodies, and I didn’t know how they had done all this without us hearing.
At the ambulance, Nick put me down and kissed me soundly. “Selena, will you be all right if Derek and I go help Seb? We’ll be right back, sweetheart. Promise.”
I nodded. “Okay.”
My whole head floated, and I wasn’t sure any of this was real, anyway. The paramedics wrapped a blanket around my chest while they worked on my arms, and I watched my Alphas retreat to deal with the man who’d put us through hell.
Seb still had him at gunpoint. Good. Though Delano was looking carefully around to see if there was anything he could do. There wasn’t.
“Glad you’re both here,” he said. “Get him over to the chair.”
Derek and I obliged. The men who’d dragged Selena away from us were already dead, and Delano would be the same. No one was going to say shit about what we were about to do. Was it right?
Probably not.
Did the fucker deserve a painful death for everything he’d done?
Of all the bad things we’d done to save Omegas and take this fucker down, this was one I would never be sorry for.
Delano bolted, but I’d expected it. Throwing out my arm, I clotheslined him in the throat and he went down. “I don’t think so. I’m glad you tried, though. It wouldn’t be sporting if you didn’t. But you’re surrounded, your men are dead, and in spite of everything, you still thought you were beyond catching.”
This place was in the middle of fucking nowhere, and admittedly, if we hadn’t had the tracker in Selena’s arm, we never would have found her. She would have died in this basement, and none of us would have ever been the same.