Page 29 of Seducing Selena

And they gave me everything.

There was no beginning or end to the pleasure, just waves of it coming from different directions and carrying me away. How could I have ever thought this was a bad thing? Every moment and every breath was the best I’d ever experienced. So much pleasure and so much joy. I needed more and more and more.

Sebastian came first, locking me to him, and Derek came a second later. Their knots pressed against each other, stealing my sight and what was left of my conscious thoughts.

Nick came last, the candy-cane flavor of him the perfect end of pleasure even as his knot swelled in my mouth and locked me against him.

My arms came loose, Derek massaging them in the quick minutes before their knots released me, and I collapsed onto the cushions. It was impossible my body wanted more after that, right?


Pain and fire surged, driving me up onto my knees and bending me forward so I was presenting for them, begging for their knots and everything else.

“Alphas,” I whimpered.

Hands landed on my ass. I didn’t even know who they belonged to as he entered me. “Don’t worry, baby. We’ve got you.”




Isat on Sebastian again. He was too big to go anywhere else inside me. Or at least I was too nervous to try that yet. All I wanted was pleasure, and him filling my pussy was more than enough.

Except it wasn’t.

Seb’s hands cupped my face. “Look at me, princess.”

Iwaslooking at him. His face all sharp angles and planes, the darkness of his eyes pulling you down so deep you’d never come out, and I didn’t want to.

How many days had we been in here? I didn’t know. But every hour with them erased the idea that there could be nothing between us. I was addicted to them. Breathing in their scent and tasting them until their flavor was the only flavor. The heady mixture of the three of them together.

“Breathe,” Sebastian said.

Was I not breathing? I was breathing.

I felt untethered from myself, lost in the fever of heat, which was the highest it had ever been. Spinning in a world of fire all my own, and sometimes they joined me inside of it with lips and hands and gentle words.

Was there a time when I thought they weren’t gentle?

Seb pulled my face down to his, our lips brushing. “Stay with me, princess. We have you.”

I gasped, the feeling of someone behind me and the scent of peppermint and fresh, sharp limes. Nick. The feeling of them together was a comfort now. They anchored me to the earth through shattering pleasure. “Ohh.” My eyes fell closed.

And then something else. Another—

My eyes flew open, trying to find where to look. “What?”

“Keep your eyes on me, Omega,” Sebastian ordered. “Relax.”

I did, the third cock slipping inside me. Not fully. But enough to make me come apart. I was no longer in control of my body, shaking, novas of pleasure firing everywhere, and through all of it, Sebastian kept me with him and kissed me, though they fucked me together.

The true molten core of the heat was here. Diving into the heart of the volcano. There was no way for me to come out of this. I would perish within the wild storm of sparks and flame. Everything burned up.

The three of them surged into me a final time, throwing me off the cliff into bright oblivion. I screamed, collapsing onto Sebastian’s chest. Two knots locked me into place, and I didn’t know where the third one was, but I knew that the fire burning inside me extinguished with that orgasm.

Everything was suddenly cold. My body still shook, exhausted and spent, I heaved in breath, trying to catch it and unable to.