Sebastian smirked. “When you obey every command we give you without thinking. When you know exactly what we mean when we tell you to get on your knees and suck. When you know your Masters’ pleasure better than your own.”
He leaned a little closer, voice lowering. “When you can take a ten inch cock in every hole andlove it. When you crave the taste of your Alpha’s cum more than food. When you beg for the pain only he or they can bring you. When you finally understand that your pleasure isn’t yours, and you’re not allowed to come without permission. Ever. Even if I chain you to a fucking machine and leave you there for hours.”
I scoffed. “I’ll never do those things. I can’t.”
“Oh,gattina.” Derek moved, coming to crouch in front of me and brushing a piece of hair off my face. “Yes, you will.”
“And you’re so sure about that?”
He smiled, the expression razor sharp and sinister. “Because every slave I’ve ever sold has said the same when they started. And within a month, they were perfect.”
“Not me.”
“Yes. You.” He bent, dropping his lips to my skin and sucking one nipple into his mouth. I gasped, and the way the pleasure of that simple motion hit me made me so fucking confused. Perfume swirled around me, giving away how much I liked it.
But I didn’t.
How could I?
His hand pinched my other nipple, simply and clearly illustrating what they’d laid out. They could do whatever
“I think you may be more than perfect,gattina. I think you might be the end of me.”
He just laughed and tucked a finger under my chin. “I think you’ll find it’s not all bad,” he said. “You will want for nothing. Protected and cared for. And if you’re good, you will earn the occasional pleasure.”
“How gracious of you.”
His eyes went hard. “Careful, Selena. We’re being gentle with you for the moment. But a tone like that would have you over my knee and your ass bright red. Remember that you chose to stay, and be grateful we’re lenient.”
I flushed, because imagining being so close to him, flush with his body after I already knew how good he tasted, was arousing in spite of everything.
“Our little slave is aroused,” he said quietly. “Poor Omega, going to be turned out without pleasure most of the time, aren’t you?”
Glaring at him, I let my annoyance cover up my fear. I didn’t know how I was going to make it through a heat without any orgasms, but I would. For Anna, I would.
He retreated, and I took my chance. “I have one more question.”
My hands clenched into fists. “Are you going to cut me open?”
“What thefuck?” Derek reacted instantly, which made me feel better.
“Delano made some of his… particular interests known to Selena,” Sebastian said.
Nick swore under his breath. “No, Selena, we’re not going to cut you open. Even if it was something we were interested in, which it isn’t, we wouldn’t damage merchandise in that way.”
My mouth tasted sour. “Thank god for that.”
“Time to start your training,” Derek said, turning to face me once more. “And now that we don’t have an audience, I don’t have to hold back.” He began to unbuckle his belt. “Time to finish what you started.”
Nick stood, and before I even knew what was happening, my arms were behind my back, cuffs clipped together so I couldn’t move them.