My stomach flipped. It feltrightas much as it was terrifying. “I don’t plan on cutting it off.”
He kissed me again, before backing up, allowing Derek to take my ankle in his hands and undo the leather cuff. Kissing up my leg, he took one of those cuffs and clicked it into place. “You are everything,” he said. “I love you.”
Nick couldn’t even speak, but he didn’t need to. Everything he felt was so clear in his eyes, it was like he spoke it out loud. Sheer joy and love. He ran his hands up and down my leg before attaching the thin metal circle. Derek locked my other wrist, and finally, Sebastian took out the collar and knelt behind me. He brushed my hair off of my skin and kissed me there. “Thank you for trusting us, princess, in spite of everything.”
The metal closed around my neck, the fit perfect enough to stay where it needed to be, and not too tight to be uncomfortable. If anything, it felt like it wasmeantto be there. Theclickresonated through me like a physical force. I was theirs, and they were mine.
“FuckI love the way this looks,gattina,” Derek said.
So did I. The pale metal—what looked like white gold and not silver—complimented my skin. It looked like high end jewelry and not a symbol of the relationship between us.
I grinned. “Is this where we talk about theactualrules?”
Seb pulled me back against him, purring loudly. “Right now there are no rules, princess. I don’t know that hashing out our dynamic right now is the best idea. When we’re in the club, it’s the old rules, and you know why. When this is over? We can talk about all the rules you want.”
I nodded. “Fair enough. But I’m not agreeing to never come. Just throwing that out there.”
Derek burst out laughing. “No worries there, Selena. I love watching you come too much to deprive you of that. Though I can’t say the same for the other two.”
Seb laughed in my ear. “Oh, I’ll like denying you, sweetheart, but definitely not all the time.” Then his voice lowered. “Though you can’t lie to me. You like the threat of never getting to come again. The idea that I can take it away from you forever turns you on.”
My face flushed, and I couldn’t tell him he was wrong. When he threatened to give me the last orgasm of my life, I had thehardestorgasm of my life.
“What do we do now?” I asked.
The three of them sighed. “Now, we need to make an appearance downstairs. But this time, you’ll be in on the training. Is there anything in particular youwantto do?”
I thought about it, shame and arousal washing through me. Nick grabbed my foot and locked eyes with me. “Nope. Don’t second guess yourself, and don’t be embarrassed by anything. I promise, there’s nothing you can say that will make us feel differently or make us look at you differently.”
“I’m claustrophobic,” I said. “That’s what happened with the gas mask. But for everything else?” Swallowing, I looked between Derek and Nick. “I know what I just said, but speaking of denial…”
My brand new metal accessories were covered in leather to hide them, but I loved knowing they were there.
The club was pretty much empty right now, as it was during the day. But I saw the people I now recognized as the staff and also Delano’s men.
But it was getting late. I spent most of the day at their feet in their office, plainly visible as men came in and out. A couple of times they put me in the cage in the office, but it was entirely different now. Now the cage felt comforting and safe because we were both choosing it. They wanted me to go in so I could rest my knees and take a nap, as well as being less exposed.
What they were going to do this evening was going to be delicious torture, and I knew it was my idea, which made it both better and worse. I was going to struggle and probably be punished. But this time I’d asked for it. Because I’d wanted to try something like it, and they’d eagerly agreed.
In fact, Sebastian hardened instantly where he’d been pressed against me.
“Where should we display you?” Nick asked. “For your little show.”
He wasn’t really asking, moving me with a hand on the back of my neck. Over to one of the stages. A main one. This wasn’t the part of the club where onlyCatena’sdarker patrons could go. It would be everyone. Up until now, the training had been more private. “Master,” I said quietly.
“Yes, slave?” The way he said it now had an entirely different meaning, and I sank into him and his strength.
“There’s someone I know who frequents this club. His name is Kyle Forsyth. Also a nurse.”
I didn’t have to explain to him why I told him that. Kyle coming in and seeing me being fucked, teased, and tortured wouldn’t be good for anyone, and would cause questions and a scene.
“Thank you,” he said quietly and pointed to a spot on the floor. “Sit there and don’t move. You may sit casually.” He hooked my leather cuffs together in front of me before striding over to some of the staff and speaking to them. Shortly after, they began to move, putting things onto the stage. Two wooden posts, screwing them down. Metal rings on the floor. Abigdildo attached to the top of one of the posts, and a chain above it. A sybian in between them.