Page 59 of Seducing Selena

We all watched Selena walk away, the blanket dragging around her like a cape.

“She told the truth,” Derek said. “That first day. She’s right. She told me she didn’t know how she got here and I didn’t fucking believe her.”

“Of course you didn’t,” I said. “We haven’t been able to trust anyone in three years. Why would you assume the one person out of place at the most important event we have was telling the truth?”

Still, my pack mate looked absolutely wrecked, and I knew how he felt. Because the Omega who just walked away from us was ours, and we might have destroyed everything before it even had a chance to start.

That was the price for saving the world though, right? You gave up everything of yourself in order to save everyone else. But it was different when you were sacrificing the woman who might be the love of your life.

Nick looked between us. “You would have done the same, right?”

He meant going after Selena even though it would have meant breaking our cover.


Derek nodded. “Fuck me, yes.”

“How do we fix this?” I asked. “Not only between us, but the fuckers that took her.”

Standing, Nick tossed the phone she’d hidden to me. “The letter says a month. It’s been a little over two weeks. So we do have some time. But at this point, everything is in place. I don’t mind burning those fuckers to the ground. Give them whatever they want to make sure Selena is out of it.

“What I’m more interested in iswhythey took Selena. One look at her, and anyone would know she’s not a killer.”

He wasn’t wrong. Especially with what we’d been doing. We all could tell now if someone had it in themselves to kill. Our sweet Selena didn’t. Her being a nurse made absolute sense.

“I want to find out,” I said. “But we’re flying a bit blind. We don’t know how big their operation is, or how connected. Until we know more, I don’t think we do anything. Because the sister is the priority here. We’ll keep Selena safe. But I don’t want our poking around to prompt these people to follow through on their threats.”

Derek snorted. “You know me. I’m all for violent revolution if necessary. And I don’t think the goal they stated is a bad one. But if you do things like this to achieve it, is it really possible to achieve those goals with any integrity?”

He had a point.

“And what about her?” I asked. “Did we fuck this up too badly?”

“I hope not,” Nick whispered.

Every word he told her was the truth. We wouldn’t have forced her. I would put a gun to my head before forcing myself on her. But we painted the picture otherwise. We gave her a choice, but it wasn’t really a choice. It was the only option she had.

My heart ached because of it.

And I couldn’t even tell her I felt bad about all of it, because I loved the things we’d done together, and she did too. Because Selena wasours. We were built to fit her needs exactly like she was meant to fit ours.

If things had been different, I would put her in the exact same position I had earlier tonight. Making sure she wasdrippingwet the entire time. Forcing orgasms out of her before leaving her to fight strength and gravity.

My little Omega liked pain and submission at the deepest levels of her soul, though I knew she hadn’t accepted it. She thrived on her knees, blossoming in our control, and all I wanted in the world was to experience that the way it wasmeantto be. All parties agreeing and enjoying. Pushing and pulling, adapting because we’re human.

“I love her,” I said, the words springing from me suddenly. “I love her so fucking much.”

Derek reached over and put a hand on my shoulder. “Me too.”

“If the two of you didn’t know that about me by now, we’re not as close as I thought we were,” Nick said.

We all chuckled, though nothing about any of this was remotely funny.

“God, I just want to go to her,” I said. “I know I can’t.”

“No,” Derek said. “We need to give her the space she asked for. She deserves that much.”

I let my head fall into my hands. “I don’t want to lose her.”