“All right,” Nick said, placing the machine in front of me. He reached between my legs, stroking my clit before sliding the dildo inside me. My body responded in spite of myself. Five days locked in a nest, and I was trained to surrender to his pleasure.
Between the straps holding me down and him knowing exactly how to touch me, I was wet. The dildo slid in easily, filling me up. Not even close to what they felt like, but it was more than enough.
“How long, Master?”
Nick looked at me, and the heated lust in his eyes further lit my arousal. He shrugged. “As long as we want. Don’t bother begging, the answer is no. Feel free to scream as much as you want.”
One flick of a switch, and the machine began to move. The vibrator sprang to life directly against my clit.Fuck.
What could I think about to make this not happen? Because my bodywantedthis. After a heat? Two full days without an orgasm? Unheard of. My pussy was desperate, and being tied down, I couldn’t move to relieve the pressure.
The dildo slid in slowly. Out just as slowly. It felt good, but it was manageable like this. I didn’t think it would stay this way, but for now, I was okay. I looked at the ceiling and focused on the lights. I could see ones that changed colors, pointing at the dance floor across the room.
Red, purple, green, orange, blue, white, white, white.
“Fuck,” I said. The machine sped up, and the vibration changed to a wave pattern which rose in intensity and dropped.
“I said you could scream,” Nick said, appearing at my side and looking down at me. “I didn’t say you could curse. I control the machine, Selena.” Heat still poured out of his eyes, igniting lust in my gut it was impossible to ignore. “Every time you speak a word that isn’t ‘Thank you for the pleasure, Master,’ I will increase the intensity. And you still don’t have permission.”
A whimper came out of me. His eyes dropped to my lips, and I wondered if he was remembering the heat too. How they took me and let me come and we fell into bliss over and over again.
He disappeared into the shadows again. A light shone directly down on me like a spotlight, painting the rest of the club—other than the lights I saw—in silhouettes. I was alone in this, fighting for myself.
The part of me that wanted to tell them to fuck off and send the machines so high I was forced to orgasm until I passed out was matched with the part of me that desperately wanted to obey because they needed this. How I knew, I wasn’t sure, but they needed to do this.
There was something they were hiding.
In the fog of fighting growing pleasure, the revelation came. They were hiding something. Of course they were hiding things. They were traffickers. The whole operation they ran was hidden within this club. Why was I shocked about that and why hadn’t I thought about it before?
The familiar growth of pleasure in my gut came, and I forced my mind away from it. Ice. I would think about ice and rain. Going outside in the dead of winter without a coat. In the snow. With wind chill.
It managed to fade, and I breathed out a sigh of relief.
Another notch up, and another pattern. Short bursts of vibration and the rhythm of the machine changed to feel like one of the Alphas rolling their hips, striking deep at the spot that seemed impossible.
Starry pleasure shone in my vision, gathering in the club lights and spiraling through the air.
Mud. I needed to think about mud and dirt and grease. The least sexy things in the history of the universe. Creepy crawlies. Bats. Snakes. The taste of root beer.Fuck.
Like they knew I needed a breather and had mercy, the intensity backed off and I got hold of it just in time. One more second and I would have lost it. There was no way I would make it through this without coming, but I could minimize the punishment coming to me.
It rose again, and I squeezed my eyes shut. No.
Maybe sheer will could get me through.
I was a nurse, dammit. I wrestled with patients three times my size when they tried to fight me and didn’t break a sweat. I could handle fighting an orgasm by three Alphas who didn’t deserve to see me break. If anything, they would be proud of me for making it through. If I could.
Stop it, Selena.
What they thought didn’t matter. I would do this for myself. To prove that I was strong enough to survive this. I could. I could do it.
The vibrator sped up a notch, and I cried out, my voice echoing off the ceiling. Shit shit shit, maybe I couldn’t do this. It was only a paddle, right? Sebastian had spanked my pussy and it had been fine. I could survive that.