Page 14 of Seducing Selena

“Here,” I whispered.

Sebastian nodded. “Good choice.”

“I think it’s already clear,” Derek cleared his throat, “but I’m going to lay some things out for you. You are now a slave. You are our property, and you have no rights. You may do nothing without permission. We are going to train you to be the best slave you can be, and when your training is complete, we will decide what to do with you.”

Nick stood and walked out of the room, but Derek kept talking.

“As our property, we can use you however we please, at any time of day. Your holes will always be available for our pleasure, without resistance. Any pleasure you receive is our choice, and if we allow you to come, you will always say thank you.”

My head snapped up, and Derek smirked. “You heard me right,gattina. Even your pleasure belongs to us now. You may not come without permission. If you disobey, you will be punished. And that doesn’t merely apply to orgasms, we expect obedience in all things.”

Steps sounded behind me, and Nick appeared at my side. “Give me your hands.”

I obeyed.

Quickly, he wrapped a measuring tape around different parts of me. Wrists, ankles, neck, bust, waist, and hips. I supposed they needed to know what kind of chicslaveclothing to put me in.

Then he had something I recognized from the hospital—a mechanical inserter, used for forcing things under the skin quickly. I jerked away from him. “What the fuck is that for?”

He held my arm still, pressing the machine to the inside of my forearm and pressing the trigger. Fierce pain pierced my skin, and I gasped. When I raised my other hand to touch, there was a small flat disc I could feel beneath my skin.

“A tracker,” Nick said. “Because we don’t let merchandise out of our sight without knowing we can find them.”

I felt sick.

Taking my right hand, he wrapped leather around it. When he let it go, and I lowered it, I saw what he’d put there. A leather cuff that was familiar, because I saw it on the covers of some of the books I read and in the porn I watched, unsure if I’d ever take the step to experience a fantasy.

Black leather and a blood red stripe. Metal hardware buckled it onto my wrist, with rings to hook it to things.

“Stand up,” he said, after attaching the second cuff, and more went on my ankles.

“These will mark you as ours,” Sebastian said. “So there will be no more repeats or questions about who you belong to. As for a collar, you’ll have to earn that.”

Somehow, I managed to keep my face in check. Like a collar was something deserving of beingearned.

“Finally,” Derek said, “you will address us as Master, without exception. You may use our names with it if you need to. Do you have any questions? This is the only time you’ll freely be able to ask them, and consider it a gift, given the fact that you won’t tell us why you’re here, infiltrating our club.”

I shuddered as Nick put his hand on my shoulder, pushing down. Not a lot of pressure, but I knew what he wanted. I went to my knees. “I do… have some questions.”

“Ask them,” Nick said.

“What doesgattinamean?”

Derek looked surprised at the question, and arguably, it was the least important. But I needed to know. “It means ‘kitten’ in Italian. Not something I say often, but it suits you.”

I nodded once. “Okay. We’re… we’re scent matched?”

“Yes,” Sebastian leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. “We are, little one.”

My breath caught in my throat, a sob that I forced down. How many times had I imagined meeting my scent matches? When it was in my imagination, it was nothing but gorgeous pleasure and love. Not… this.

“Does that matter at all?”

I glanced up in time to see what I thought was regret in Derek’s eyes. There and gone so quickly, I probably imagined what I wanted to see.

“Any other questions?”

“Yes. When will I be trained? Like when is that process finished?”