“Daddy, da’froggy! Da’froggy jump in da’ water! C’mere! Wook!”
“Alright buddy,” Alex smiled apologetically. “Show us the froggy…”
Everly dug out a few quarters and went to get some fish food from the dispenser, catching it in her hands before she saw the biodegradable paper cups that were supplied near the machine.
Walking back over, she heard Caleb squealing with delight as he was clapping his hands happily… and Alex was holding a frog by his back feet – grinning wildly at her.
He'd managed to catch a frog to impress his son… and in that moment, she knew Alex would truly do anything to make the people he cared about happy. Whether it was catching a frog, flying fourteen hours to see someone, mailing roses, earrings sent with a trusted friend, or whatever his goal was – he would find a way, because it meant that much to him.
… And she loved him for it.
Everly dug out her phone with one hand and carefully pressed record, trying not to spill the fish food, knowing she had to save this moment in time… and whispered softly under her breath, as she held it before her face.
“I am so lucky to love you,” she breathed silently, touched by the genuine love and affection displayed as Caleb sat on Alex’s lap and he held the frog before him, there by the creek, in his hands for his son.
Caleb touched the frog and shivered physically, making a face at the texture of the skin, before laughing uncontrollably, and doing it again. Alex smiled up at her, catching her gaze and watching her, as Caleb squealed once more.
“Sometimes the frog is just waiting for the right princess to come along,” Alex said quietly, not looking away from her. His entire face was full of genuine emotion – he was smiling, but his eyes burned with an intensity that made him look serious and not playful anymore. “And if that frog is smart, because he knows he would wait his entire life, if he had to.”
“Da’froggy, Daddy!”
“I want to walk around as that married couple - with you… forever,” Alex said softly, not moving from where he was seated and still holding the frog’s feet so Caleb could touch it. “Be gentle, Caleb, and don’t scare the frog if you love her, okay?”
Everly felt tears sting her eyes as she realized what he was saying – and the seriousness of the moment. Instead of saying a word, she knelt beside the duo, setting the paper cup in the grass and collapsing onto her knees, holding Alex’s gaze.
“I love being with you,” Alex said openly, not holding back. “We can take as long as you want, but I can’t help where I am, waiting on our path. I said I wanted forever – and I do – but I just wanted to tell you that these simple moments mean everything to me, and each is more perfect than the next.”
“What if I told you that they meant everything to me, too?”
“I’m not pushing you, Everly…”
“No, you aren’t,” she whispered, her voice trembling almost as much as her hands were, and she was glad to be sitting beside him on her knees. “But what if I said that I liked building these memories, having these moments, and dream of what our forever would look like…”
“I’d beg you to dream with me...”
His hazel eyes searched hers and she saw the emotion in his gaze, recognizing it, even though he’d had yet to say officially those three little words aloud – he bantered the sentiment easily sometimes. She understood being scared, but it was even more terrifying to think of a future without him… and said as much.
“I want our forever, becausenotsharing it with you isn’t an option anymore,” she admitted openly, feeling tears sting her eyes. “I think I’ve always known that deep down inside.”
“I’ve got frog slime all over my hands…” Alex muttered thickly, his eyes searching hers.
“I’ve got koi fish food all over mine,” Everly replied, unfazed, and met his gaze. “But it’s not on my lips...” she teased softly, and saw his beautiful eyes melt as a smile touched his face.
“Mine are slime-free, too,” he said stoically – and leaned towards her as she did the same, needing to kiss him.
She kissed him deeply and felt him lean even more into it, trying to take control of the kiss, the embrace, and heard Caleb’s laughter as the frog jumped away. Alex’s hand was suddenly there, on her hip, pulling her closer to him as Caleb called out to the frog.
“Froggy come back! Froggy! Daddy wet me go… I want my froggy! Daddy lemme gooooo!”
… And Everly couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her against Alex’s lips as Caleb’s angry words touched her ears. Alex was smiling at her so tenderly, holding her gaze, as he backed away only slightly.
“He’s trying to pry my fingers off his waist,” Alex whispered.
“Let’s distract him with feeding the koi…” she breathed, reaching forward to kiss him again and hearing his soft sigh of contentment between them, despite Caleb’s furious ranting.
“My Froggie is going bye-bye, Daddy. Quit kissy my Eberrreleee and wet’s get my froggy, m’kay? Daddy? DADDY! My froggy?! I NEED MY FROGGEEEEE!”
“I want our forever,” Alex murmured, “… And I might need my finger set because I think Caleb’s about to rip it out of joint.”