Page 52 of Forever Flirting

We had mashed potatoes, meatloaf, green beans (which are horrific here and nearly mush they were cooked so long) and cornbread for dinner. Your brother was on the computers in here tonight and probably emailed you to tell you what an idiot I am.

I’m getting ready to hit the showers and then go to bed. I can’t tell you about recon or my email won’t go through. I’m sorry. Confidential junk.

I hope you are doing well, and I promise to write more tomorrow.


* * *

Alex sighed heavilyand then composed a little email for his son, hoping that Mallory would read it to him.

He didn’t want any surprises or for Everly to wonder what was going on… so he blind-copied her on the email as well. No, he would never hurt her – but Caleb was a part of his life that he would never let go of.

* * *

Mallory – this is for Caleb, if you could read it to him? Thanks. I hope you are both doing well… let me know if you need any diapers or anything.

Hey Caleb,

I rode in an airplane today and thought of you flying around when you sat on my shoulders. I miss my wingman and little buddy. Be good for your Mommy and when I come back - I will bring you something special… okay?

I love you so much,


* * *

Clicking send,he sighed heavily, getting to his feet. Looking at the clock, he grimaced. It would need to be a very quick shower or skip it, because ‘lights out’ was in less than ten minutes.

Heading to his bunk, he opted to skip it and saw several of the other guys were already climbing into their beds. He listened to the conversations, couldn’t help but laugh slightly as they talked trash to each other, and realized while he fit in here… he desperately wanted to be elsewhere at the moment.

Alex wanted to be walking along a stream in the warm Texas air, under the shade of the pecan trees that hung over the water… with Caleb and Everly. He wanted to hear his son’s laughter, see her dancing eyes and that beautiful smile, and to feel that peace stealing into his heart.

Please let me dream of them tonight,he silently begged with such avid longing, swallowing back the sudden knot in his throat that was choking him.

Checking his pockets, he yanked off his uniform and dropped it in the laundry bin dutifully, before padding silently back to his bunk. He had become a creature of habit in the military, lining his boots up beside his bed.

Things were settling down in the barracks as each of the men finished their preparations. He couldn’t help but glance around, seeing each of them and recognizing the differences between them all.

Riptide was already lying in his bunk, tossing a baseball up and catching it. Paradox was on his knees, hands clasped before him in prayer with his eyes closed. Sparky was sitting cross-legged on his bunk doing those silly relaxation and meditation exercises that he always did, because the dude could not sleep at night sometimes. Ricochet was lying in his bunk, hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling lost in thought… looking distinctly confused and slightly alarmed.

… Interesting.

Alex sunk to his knees, closed his eyes, and silently offered up his own prayers, quick and straight from the heart, before crossing himself and climbing into bed… just as the lights went off.

He heard the slow whine of the power dwindling and the lightbulbs fading. It was not something you would truly notice unless there was absolute silence like there was here. It was like the stars at night. He never really noticed them back home because of the light pollution, but here the sky was incredible, and dotted with the tiny illuminations of light.

“Goodnight team – and great job today,” came Reaper’s voice in the darkness with a few quiet ‘goodnights’ replied absently.

Alex just rolled over, hearing his dog tags clank loudly against each other as they fell onto his bunk beside his ear… alone.

No Caleb putting his little feet on his stomach or sticking his finger in Alex’s nose or ears because he wasn’t ready for bed. No playful, scratchy fingernails from his son trying to ‘tickle’ him – and failing miserably.

… And no sweet hugs from his Everly.

Alex grimaced as he felt a lonely tear seep from his pinched eyes and onto his pillowcase, feeling exceedingly alone and isolated right now.