As Alex slid the key into the ignition, he hesitated and spoke.
“It’s not that I don’t want you to drive me,” he began quietly. “I’ve got to drop off my rental car tonight in Tyler, come back here and grab my bag, before heading out to DFW in the morning. It’s a long drive, and I feel bad even asking you… combined with saying…”
Everly cut him off.
“That’s something a friend would do, right?”
Alex looked at her, his eyes searching.
“I don’t know if you should drop me off, because I’m struggling right now. I feel emotionally raw from having told Caleb goodbye, knowing that this is just starting between us, and trying to take things slow,” Alex admitted. “Friends, remember?”
“I remember.”
“Then maybe tempting me to say goodbye to someone I want to be more than a friend in the long run is too much…”
“Because if you were more than a friend – I would kiss you and hold you in my arms…” he admitted hoarsely, holding her gaze. “I’ve scared you off once. I don’t want to do it again.”
Everly held Alex’s eyes and ignored the view of some of the cars pulling off in the distance, a few honks, several waving hands, and could not take her eyes from something in his expression.
… And she unbuckled.
Sliding towards the center of the car, she heard Alex’s breath catch as he slowly unbuckled too, moving towards her.
“I don’t want to hurt you anymore than you are already hurting,” she whispered softly. “I just thought it might be a comfort to have a little more time to get to know each other.”
“It is, but it’s bittersweet, too. It could be a month or even six months before I am back and…” his hand came up beside her head, his fingertip touching the lobe of her ear softly, almost tickling. “I really like your haircut,” he smiled tenderly, his eyes looking so insecure and hopeful.
She couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped her, reaching up to rub his closely cut hair on the top of his head playfully, meeting his smile.
“I like your haircut too,” she teased quietly. “No more mousse, huh?”
He laughed nervously, gazing at her, looking so happy to just be there in this moment – however brief it was. She felt herself falling helplessly, feeling that flutter in her stomach from so long ago when he’d kissed her… and reaching for it. Her hand touched his cheek, and she heard him sigh at the simple touch.
“I miss you already,” he breathed, his voice faint and exquisitely gentle, as she leaned forward, drawn, and realizing she needed to feel that magic once more, to verify it was real and not as she dreamed so long ago.
Leaning towards him, he suddenly grasped her wrist, causing her to hesitate as his eyes searched hers. She was so close, could smell that clean masculine scent of him, and felt his presence so keenly that it was slightly overwhelming.
“I want you to get to know me first, and this is how I should have done it last time, when I met you,” he whispered, his voice full of regret. “I went with what was in me instinctively… but I need more from you, Everly.”
She hesitated and waited, feeling suddenly insecure.
“I want forever and I’m not going to screw this up by rushing into things,” he breathed. “Hug me, hold me, be my friend… and I’ll have Romeo drive me, so I’m not tempted to cross a line.”
“Please,” he breathed shakily, sounding almost desperate. “I’m only so strong, and I’m trying to be noble. Give me something to think about when I come back – and if you still want to kiss me? I swear it will be everything either of us dreamed about over the last few years.”
“Did you dream about kissing me?”
“All the time,” he admitted openly, his voice trembling. “Every night, every second, and every time I shut my eyes.”
She couldn’t help the shy smile that touched her lips – and her heart. As she moved to hug him, he opened his arms, gathering her close, and cradling her against his chest, her head tucked under his head.
“I’m probably going to be kicking myself in about an hour…” as both of them chuckled nervously.
“Just write me, okay? Tell me all about you,” Alex whispered against her hair tenderly. “I want to know everything, from the color nail polish you are wearing, to what you had for lunch, to a book you are reading, or… or any dreams you might have,” he breathed, nuzzling his cheek against her affectionately, causing her to smile against his shoulder, treasuring this moment.