“Prepare to deploy your missiles…”
“Da’boy, Daddy! Da’boy!”
“Deploying missiles… and rawwrrrrrrr….” Alex roared, making plane sounds as he ran towards Everly, who was cracking up laughing now at the sight of the two of them playing, heedless of who saw them acting up.
Caleb was laughing so hard, his little cheeks had dimples in them. Getting out her phone, she wanted to take a small video of this to show Mallory – and hesitated. Pressing record, she saw Alex’s smile as he spotted the cell phone – and immediately turned towards her.
I could give the video to Alex, too,she thought, realizing he would appreciate it just as much – if not more.
“The enemy is tricky, pilot! Are you up for this mission?”
“Go! Go! Go!”
“We are ‘go’ for bombardment, squadron leader…”
Alex whirled around and ran back towards Everly, bringing Caleb in really close to where she was holding the camera, capturing the moment, and hesitated.
Alex came to a stop about a foot from Everly… the both of them smiling and looking at each other, as something infinitely silent changed between them.
They were sharing a moment, almost like a family, and she felt this magical wonder flowing between them – that same sensation of awe that she had when he’d kissed her years ago.
She lowered her phone and hit stop on the recording.
Neither said a word – and neither moved.
Everly never forgot that single kiss from him a few years ago – and Alex was even more attractive, seeing this side of him. Her eyes searched his as he stood there, unmoving… and shockingly?
Alex took a step back.
“No pressure,” Alex said hoarsely, his voice breaking. “Slow and steady.”
“I should probably go,” Everly volunteered, knowing just how close she was to reaching for him. There was something about him that drew her so strongly that it was slightly alarming.
“I understand,” he replied quietly, watching her and not moving. “Can you text me that video of us? I would like to have something to take back with me to Afghanistan, and that would be perfect.”
“Certainly,” she paused, glancing at him. “What’s your cell number?”
Alex rattled it off easily and winced as Caleb was starting to get fidgety, wanting to fly again. Everly sent him the video and hesitated.
“I guess this is goodbye?”
“Can I see you tomorrow?”
“I have to work until six.”
“I am taking Caleb back to Mallory and meeting her up the road at the McDonald’s. I know it’s not anything special, but we could grab a burger or…”
“Actually, you should probably check your text messages,” Everly volunteered quietly, feeling exceedingly shy to think that every one of his friends now knew he had met with her.
When would word get back to her brother? What would he think? How would Mallory react, knowing that she was giving Alex a second chance?
“I think we got invited over for burgers at five – if you think they would be okay with me arriving late then…” her voice trailed off.
A smile spread across Alex’s face knowingly.
“Is that a ‘yes’ you’ll see me tomorrow - before I leave?”
“Yes,” she acknowledged, resisting the urge to smile herself.