… Oh please tell me it’s the strawberry pants, babe!
Karen & Hot Cakes are 5D2MR+<3XO
US!! We are! (waves hands)
Technically X-Ray and Em too…? Maybe?
Ohhhh ‘FIVE DAYS TO MARRY HER plus big puffy hearts, hugs, and kisses’?
How in the world did you get THAT… out of THAT?!
Valkyrie – relax. I knew what it meant.
Shaddup Firefly, because you & Melody are Pi- but without the decimal. It took you 314159265359 days to finally make a move, LOOOOSER.
I’ve got detonation!
In fo’ the kill, brother…
Droppin’ text bombs left & right, yo!
Apologize - or I’m not babysitting for you two on Wednesday!
I’m sorry, Melody (Marisol said she loves you and isn’t above begging. We need to get out for an evening – Date night!)
Helloooooo? Back to our sweet LOVERBOY and his new girl?! Anything else Dixie? We need an update!
…Oh shoot! She’s checking out his phone – Bye!!
Hey stranger, if you are reading this – come over to Flyboys tomorrow night at 5pm and meet the team. We are having a birthday party and would love to have you join us.
* * *
Everly droppedthe phone on the table and backed away from it slightly, looking back at the red-headed woman who was wiping down the counters and rearranging items in the case, peeking at her and trying her best to look innocent.
Caleb was now banging the spoons on the table noisily, smiling up at her, and then scrunching his nose, sniffing at the food.
“My sammich?”
“Your Daddy is going to cut it up,” Everly said quickly. “Just a second, Caleb. He’s coming and will get you fixed up.”
“Is everything alright?” Alex asked, looking at her.
She looked at him, saw his concerned gaze, and couldn’t help but steal a glance at those lips that haunted her dreams since that kiss at the bar – only to see him frown slightly, immediately jerking her eyes away.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Alex said softly under his breath. “Please? We are taking things slow, remember?”
Everly felt her cheeks heat up as she looked away, and slid the phone back to him.
“It’s your friends,” she said simply.