“I’m kidding, Glory…”
“Are we ready?” Everly announced, walking in. “This won’t take but a minute, and then we are done for another year.”
“Yeah…” the man said flatly, looking pale.
“No allergies to latex? No known allergies to eggs or egg products? No reactions to any prior immunizations?”
“Nope,” Glory said to her, and then turned to the man beside her. “Just close your eyes.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“Everything okay?”
“Yup,” he said quickly.
“This will be a quick poke, and I need you to hold either an arm or a leg,” Everly announced softly, quickly swiping a spot on the little girl’s arm, fanning it, and injected the vaccine… only to hear the woman beside her speaking quickly.
“Hunter! Hunter! Hunter, hang on. It’s over. Breathe. Breathe with me and don’t pass out. Madison’s in your lap. You did so good, pookie-bear, and I’m so proud of you…”
Everly looked up from where she was crouching beside the man’s chair to see his face was bloodless and he was weaving in his seat, looking like he might actually pass out.
“Hey…” Everly said, patting him on the cheek with her gloved hand. “You can’t go out like this – and you should have said something! Are you okay, buddy?”
“He hates needles,” the woman whispered loudly to her.
“Ya, think?” Everly snapped bluntly. “Yoooohoo? Mr. Petersen? Hey, are you okay?”
“I’m fine…” he said weakly, closing his eyes. “I’m gonna wait in the waiting room for the next one.”
“Just take a minute and breathe,” Everly said, swabbing the other child’s arm while the man was distracted – and quickly injected the vaccine into the other child while she was still talking to him. “Keep your eyes closed, and make sure you aren’t lightheaded before we take you into the waiting room, okay?”
“Oh, you are good…” the woman praised, accepting the sucker for the little boy, who was looking very unhappy in her lap. “Here you go, Michael.”
“Madison, do you want your sucker, sweetie?” Everly offered, and saw Mr. Peterson open his eyes slowly. “We are already done.”
“You are?”
“Yep. Sucker?”
“Are you going to pass out on me again?”
“I didn’t pass out,” he countered, frowning. “I merely got a little woozy.”
“Sure ya’ did,” Everly laughed easily, teasing him and saw his frown.
“Are you sure about this, Glory?” he said, looking away from Everly.
“We’re done here if you want to continue your conversation,” Everly said bluntly, yanking off her gloves and jotting down a note in both files that said, ‘The father will pass out if he sees a needle’.
That would have been handy to know before the flu vaccines were given, she mused.
“I have a coupon for a free flight at Flyboys, if you are interested,” Mrs. Petersen beamed brightly at her, nodding, causing her pigtails to swing.