Page 45 of Forever Flirting

She swallowed nervously, somehow sensing what was coming next.

“I’m looking for…forever.”

Neither looked away and their hands remained steadfast, clinging to each other as his words seemed to fill the air surrounding them, weaving a spell that captured something within her, coaxing that scared spark of light from a very lonely, dark corner of her soul.

“Then we start out as friends…” she whispered hoarsely.

“The best of friends…” he said gently, his eyes fierce and unwavering. “I don’t want you to ever feel like you can’t say something or have to run from me. Challenge me, talk to me, trust me enough to allow me to get to know the person who is beside me right now… and just accept me forme– flaws and all.”

Oh gosh,she thought raggedly, and practically whimpered, biting her tongue. He was saying all the things she desperately wanted to hear, like he was reading straight from a primer for her heart…

“Show me those flaws, share those thoughts, and let me become a friend you can trust…” she murmured emotionally, knowing she was putting more than just her offer of friendship on the line.

She was giving him a chance to win her heart.

“I will write you when I get back and we’ll talk…”

“I’ll keep you updated on Caleb, tell you what’s going on with me, and find something to communicate about. I’m a pretty boring person.”

“I am too,” he smiled softly… and hesitated.

“What?” she asked, catching it and calling him out on the slight movement.

“If you are comfortable with it,” he began, “You could always visit my grandmother. She would love to give you all the gritty details about me growing up, show you photos, and probably would enjoy the company… she’s just got a reckless mouth on her.”

It was so unexpected, so surprising, that she couldn’t help the bubble of laughter that escaped her as he chuckled nervously.

“She’s a pistol,” he grinned. “And I mean it.”

“Genetics?” she teased.

“Oh yeah, you have no idea…” he replied, as he gazed at her. “I really like this and I’m glad you are here. Thank you for being a friend, and caring enough to make sure I’m okay.”

“I know it was tough to say goodbye to Caleb…” she began. “But he will be here when you come back – and maybe we can grab coffee again when you return.”

“I would truly like that, Everly.”

She heard a slight rumble faintly and looked at him.

“How about that burger,” she smiled softly, “And we can continue our conversation.”

He nodded and hesitated.

“Do you want to follow me out to Flyboys?”

“No,” she said softly, glancing at their hands before meeting his eyes. “I trust you and think that if you drive me, then you could bring me back so we can say our goodbyes alone… here.”

He stared at her – and then nodded, starting the car.



Flyboys was morethan she expected… and strangely welcoming. As they pulled up, she saw several heads turn towards them out of curiosity, and a few arms waving them forward.

“They are really great people,” Alex volunteered. “Don’t be nervous, and we can always leave if you want.”

“No, let’s go,” she said bravely, realizing that she already knew a couple of friendly faces from having their children visiting her office, having no idea that this was the group of people he hung out with.