Page 34 of Forever Flirting

“Are you hungry?” Everly asked quietly. “I hear that the ham and cheese croissant sandwiches here are divine. Maybe we can cut up some into tiny bits for Caleb.”

“You… aren’t leaving?”

There was such a note of wistfulness and relief in his voice that instantly told her she’d made the right decision. She was glad he told her about her brother, fessed up to talking trash with Killian, and cleared the slate completely… that she knew of.

She still wanted to see what Killian said, but had a very clear feeling that it would match Alex’s story almost verbatim.

“No,” she admitted carefully. “I’m wary, nervous, feeling very lost and alone right now… and would like to have someone I can talk to or trust. I will tell you right now that there won’t be a second chance, because I do not make it a habit to keep sticking my hand in the fire to get burned… am I clear?”

“Completely,” Alex said, nodding.

“I’m not trying to be mean or threaten anyone – but I don’t have time to wonder who is on my side and who isn’t. I would rather know that the people in my life are the ones that want to be there, and respect me for who I am… like my brother.”

“You sound like Ricochet,” Alex offered, smiling slightly and nodding. “I can agree with that too. My grandmother raised me since I was a freshman in high school, and always said that ‘A man who can stand tall, facing his friends at his worst without hiding in shame, is a man with integrity”… and that is why I don’t have a problem spilling my guts to you. I’m not hiding that I messed up – I’m owning it – and desperately sorry that I hurt you.”

“Nana?” Caleb chimed in, eating another bite of cookie.

“Yep,” Alex grinned, putting his arm around the toddler’s highchair. “Nana is a tough lady but very fair – and doesn’t mince words.”

“Nana no poohey? Out-tide?”

Everly and Alex both laughed at the little boy’s unexpected announcement – and then glanced at each other.

“Yeah, Caleb, Nana doesn’t like Poohey diapers. We have to take them outside,” he smiled, holding her gaze. “But I do think she would really like you, Everly. Maybe someday you can meet her.”

“I think I would like that… someday.”

“Keep it mild and take things slow,” Alex reaffirmed quietly. “Time is the one thing I can give you plenty of – that much I can promise you. It will be a few months before I can come back for five days.”

“I see,” she said instantly, realizing that the mysterious man who’d swept her off her feet and reappeared in her life unexpectedly, would be gone again just as fast.

Yeah, this was a crazy idea to even entertain the thought of getting to know Alex, or becoming friends after finding out he was Caleb’s father – but she wouldn’t want a mistake held against her… no matter how big of a mess it was.

“But…” Alex hedged, dipping his head slightly and looking at her where she had her head bowed. “That doesn’t mean we can’t communicate. I have email, access to phones, and we can take things as slow as you need.”

She felt the corner of her lip turn up as she met his eyes.

“I promise,” he said softly, watching her, and smiling softly in that same way he’d done at the bar several years ago. That tender, open look to his eyes just did something to her, making her feel like she was the only person in the world – and if that was all an act?

Alex had it down to a science…

“… Emails are a completely safe form of communication that only goes to one person – no more dealing with interlopers, mistakes, missed chances, or screw ups.”

“No chance of pregnancy,” Everly taunted in poor taste, unable to resist. She couldn’t help but react to his teasing, feeling her smile widen a little more.

Alex had the good graces to laugh softly, rolling his eyes, and actually turning a little red along his throat, indicating he was blushing.

“Zero chances of pregnancy, I assure you,” he smiled sheepishly. “But there is a 100% guarantee of friendship in the very near future.”

“I think I can handle friendship.”

“I’m glad,” he said, his voice sounding so relieved. “I think I’ll grab those sandwiches now, since we have some time to talk.”

Alex started to get up – and Everly waved him off.

“Stay with Caleb so he doesn’t take a dive from the highchair,” she said, and got up. She ordered two of the steaming sandwiches that were dripping with cheese – and two cupcakes… only to hesitate when Dixie leaned towards her.

“Your friend is a real gem,” Dixie began, causing Everly to stiffen. “My husband can be very shy and quiet, and when he gets together with his buddies, they usually control the conversation… but not Maestro. He’s like my sweet Lee – a listener. I do most of the talking.”