Page 33 of Forever Fondly

She nodded as they moved down the case, putting the thick latch into a basket that Jax was carrying. He picked up a massive purple metal keychain and looked at her.

“We’re getting this too,” he said firmly.

“What is it?”

“My mom has one – it’s called a kubaton,” he began. “You don’t have to be strong to use it. It’s lightweight too.”

He held up the odd shaped keychain and showed her. It was a rod with ridges, and points that fit right in your hand. The vicious points stuck out from between his knuckles and there was a sharp point that stuck out from the end of his fist.

“You can have this in your hand in a parking lot or walking up to your apartment to make you feel safe. If someone surprises you, just bring down your fist and that should give you a chance to get inside.”

She nodded in understanding.

“You are going to be a dangerous little thing,” he said leaning towards her, his voice soft and teasing as he smiled. He’d picked up three small canisters of mace and put them in the basket too.

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Nahhh… I’m glad. You should never feel threatened, and if this gives you a measure of security, then I’m all for it.”

“Thank you,” she nodded. “I think that’s plenty of stuff and a good start. Now that I know this shop is here, I can always come back.”

“Exactly – and ask questions if you need something specific. My mom is alone sometimes at the farm when dad has to get some work done – and we’ve always had stuff at the house. When you live in the middle of nowhere… it’s not worth taking chances.”

“Tell me about your home,” she asked.

“Over lunch,” he countered. “Let’s pay and check out that pizza shop.”

Mary nodded and hesitated, seeing a case of strange looking rings… only to have the clerk come over the second she showed interest.

“Do you want to try one?”

“Me?” Mary balked nervously. “Oh no, no… I was just…”

“Go ahead,” Jax interrupted.

“I don’t need any jewelry and rarely wear it, besides, you already got me my earrings and…”

“It’s a Defender Ring, miss,” the clerk said easily, smiling. “It’s a little different than earrings.”

“A… what?”

“Here,” he began, pulling out a tray and plucking a ring off the velvet cushions. “Each ring has a tiny decoration that stands a little high on the finger because of… this.”

He pulled off the pearl to reveal a sharp point that nearly made her eyes pop out of her head. These rings were weapons?

“Well, that’s a vicious little ‘sticker’, isn’t it,” Jax chuckled, smiling at her shocked expression. “Do you want to try one on?”

“No, I shouldn’t…”

“Mary,” Jax countered easily, his lip upturned. “You could try it on now – or I can order online and ship it to you. I’ve never seen something like this before, and it’s pretty cool.”

“You don’t think it’s weird?”

He leaned down to whisper in her ear – and his closeness caused her to suck in her breath in awareness and fear.

“Weirdis how my friend is always looking over her shoulder, because she’s insecure. You could be wearing a tactical vest and I wouldn’t think it was weird… besides, I kinda like the idea of you having something on you all the time that no one knows is there.”

He leaned back and looked at her, giving her a relaxed smile.