Page 99 of Forever Fondly

“It’s not too much Star Trek stuff? When I said I was a big nerd, I meant it, and my ex would have hated any of this.”

“I love it,” he whispered, staring at the room in disbelief. “It’s so classical, so perfect, and so simple a theme… it’s us. I love this, because it’s just so wonderfullyus. This is incredible, Mary.”

His eyes zeroed in on the sheets as he looked at her.

“Thank you,” he said simply, taking her hand in his. “You feel free to do anything you want to our home, because I think you are wildly talented when you are given the chance to be yourself.”

“You’ve given me the confidence to be me, Jax,” Mary whispered softly, looking at him with so much love in her eyes that he instantly felt humble at the miracle before him – both of them.

“Can I touch you?” he whispered hoarsely, knowing words would never be enough to tell her how much he cared, admired, and truly loved her. “I’ve missed you so much and…”

“You don’t have to explain,” she smiled tenderly, taking his hand and pulling him towards the bed. “I need this between us as much as you.”

“I can’t live without you,” he said emotionally, feeling almost overwhelmed at the sensations rocketing through him at just the touch of her hand holding his.

“You are stuck with me, because I’m never letting you go,” she breathed, pulling his head towards her with her free hand, wanting to kiss him. He sighed softly, giving in, and gathered her into his arms.

* * *

Hours later,Jax was laying on his side in the bed, listening to Mary talk as he traced each stretch mark on her stomach, marveling at the way her body just seemed to move of it’s own accord. Her stomach would lift, wobble, or roll as if the skin was undulating, and touching it was a miracle.

“Our Tribble is happy that Daddy is home…” Mary said softly, smiling at him. “It feels like he, or she, is doing loop-de-loops in my stomach and playing.”

“This is a miracle…” he breathed tenderly, smiling at her.

“First date material,” she teased softly.

“You know it,” he grinned – and hesitated as there was a knock at the front door. “Are you expecting anyone?”

“No,” Mary replied immediately, starting to get up. “There’s supposed to be dinner tomorrow night with everyone, but…”

“Stay where you are, my love. I’m coming right back,” Jax said quickly, not wanting her to move an inch, because he intended to return quickly so he could trace her belly some more, fascinated by their child.

Yanking on his uniform pants, he strode towards the front door and opened it, just in time to see Valkyrie and Firefly driving off in a pickup truck – with Firefly hanging out the window making all sorts of crude hand gestures as he laughed wildly before giving him a thumbs up.

“Have fun, Spaceball!”

“I should have had a different call sign…” Jax muttered aloud, laughing and picking up the crockpot.

“Who is it?”

“Valkyrie and Firefly brought dinner – and it smells like beef stew.”

“That was sweet of them,” Mary smiled, pulling on a pale pink robe that almost looked too big for her.

“I thought I told you to stay put,” he growled playfully, plugging in the crockpot and sweeping her up into his arms, before carrying her back towards the bedroom.

“But we’re hungry…” Mary smiled, tracing his lips with her fingertips, “And now the baby is craving beef stew.”

“Then I should definitely feed our baby, shouldn’t I?” Jax said tenderly, nipping at her finger – and turning around to take her back to the kitchen. “There’s plenty of time to fool around, but our little one comes first.”

“She kinda takes over everything,” Mary hedged. “If I get too hungry, then I get lightheaded or nauseated.”

“Then sit down,” he urged, setting her down on the couch. “I’ll bring you a bowl of stew, and you just let me spoil you while I’m here.”

… And hesitated.

“She?” he smiled, sinking to his knees before her. “You think we might be having a little girl?”