Page 7 of Forever Fondly

I hope you get this first and need to give you a bit of a ‘heads-up’, so this works for you. You are going to get an email from a young lady named Mary. She’s Karen’s (well, our) neighbor.

You mentioned being set up and Glory took it to heart. She’s been on a mission, and I met Mary today. Very sweet, very nice… and very skittish.

Be nice to her – and good luck, my friend!

Hot Cakes

P.S. if you come visit – let me know! I’d love to hang out.

* * *

Clicking on the next email,Jax couldn’t help the grin that appeared on his face as he began to read Firefly’s message.

* * *

Hey Noob…

You know, your lack of skills at picking up chicks has set the entire female ‘squadron’ on edge, and they are all rooting for you – so please don’t blow it. My wife has been on my case and told me to write you.

So, in case you didn’t know it…

Girls like (according to my wife) flowers, holding hands, being told they are pretty, being sung to, and flirting. I feel weird even typing this, because men do not do this type of stuff.


I feel like I’m about to sprout ovaries or something.

This is ridiculous and I am writing this email under duress, because Melody bought this hot little number and is threatening not to wear it unless I do so.

So, thanks – I am completely in touch with my feminine-side for the last five minutes… just so I can indulge in my supremely masculine-side tonight.

If you come visit, hit me up, bro!


* * *

Jax clickedon the next email and rolled his eyes at the man’s intro.

Sheesh, it was like being back home again. Nothing was private and he forgot how much these guys gossiped. No wonder everyone was looking at him strangely – he should have kept that tidbit of knowledge to himself about the blind dates apparently.

* * *


Rumor has it that you’ve been on six blind dates and haven’t had a girlfriend in years – seriously? First off, quit trying so hard. Second – refer to rule number one.

Sheesh, buddy.


My wife said to let you know that girls like a protective guy, but don’t act like an ogre. Marisol might have muttered something about me – but Shrek is her favorite Disney character, so maybe she’s warped in that pretty head of hers.

Shut up, Ghost – because I do not watch Disney movies with my children. (Okay – maybe I do, but only because it stops Toby from crying. He’s really having a tough time with his ears and getting tubes put in on Friday.)

Now Marisol is hanging over my shoulder and said you should… Oh my gosh, I swear.

I’m going to let her take over and send this email.