Page 3 of Forever Fondly

“Houdini, can it – and relax,” Reaper bit out. “Ghost? Why don’t you see if you can fly out with Houdini for a few days, and we can set you up to stay at Flyboys or with one of the retired pilots from our squadron.”

“Really?” Jax perked up, smiling.

“Just give me a heads-up and I’ll reach out to the team,” Reaper offered.

“You sure you want to do this?” X-Ray asked candidly. “Blind dates and being matched up with someone can backfire badly. I went on a blind date one time and let’s just say it went extremely wrong.”

Jax shrugged.

He wasn’t opposed to this idea in the slightest. Life was about living in the moment, trying new things, taking chances, and embracing adventure. He wasn’t finding any of that back home… but a blind date? That he knew, understood how it worked, and could handle.

“I’ve been on six blind dates… I can handle myself, and know how this works probably better than anyone,” Jax admitted – only to see several sets of eyes focus on him at once in shock and horror.


Several of the men shouted in unison, making Jax cringe painfully in awareness as they all gawked at him. Yeah, maybe he was a big, huge dud after all?

“Let me get this straight,” Maestro interjected quietly in the silence, staring at Reaper. “If one of us wants to get away and fly to East Texas? There are former pilots that will let us stay with them or at someplace called Flyboys?”

“It’s a private air strip in Yonder, just outside of Tyler, Texas,” Hot Cakes volunteered, nodding. “They teach flying lessons.”

“It’s nice,” X-Ray admitted. “I took a Cessna up while I was there and flew out towards Lake Pontchartrain.”

“Yep, I took Karen to Padre Island.”

“I know where Yonder is very well,” Maestro said quietly, looking shell-shocked. “We can go anytime?”

“Anytime you have vacation time available,” Hot Cakes shrugged. “Why? Do you want to be set up too? I don’t know if Reilly will let three of us go at once, and Caboose is still out…”

“I don’t want to be set up with a blind date,” Maestro mumbled, before looking around the room quietly. “I’d like to see my kid.”

“You have a kid?” Sparky blurted out in shock, sitting up and staring at the other man in disbelief, echoing Jax’s own inner thoughts.

“He’s two…”

“You’re married?”

“It’s a long story,” Maestro said evasively. “Can you go at any time – for a week at a time? If I wanted to go four times a year… I could?”

“Yeah, I’m sure they won’t mind.”

“If they do,” Reaper interrupted quietly. “My wife and I own a bed and breakfast in Yonder – you can stay with my family, if you need to, Maestro. I get home to see my son Ben and Sophie whenever I can. Go see your kid, brother. We can figure out the details.”

“Thank you.”

“You betcha,” Reaper acknowledged. “You are part of the team, a part of our family now… and Ghost’s wingman, remember? We’ve got each other’s backs – always.”

“ALWAYS!” Jax acknowledged at the same time as several of the men shouted loudly as if it was their mantra, their war cry – and looked at Hot Cakes and Reaper.

“Tell your friend that I’m very interested… and I’ll put in for vacation right now.”



Yonder, Texas

“Absolutely not!”