Page 102 of Forever Fondly

Paradise was right here, waiting, in his wife’s arms.



Mary was trying to be strong, but she was reaching her breaking point as another contraction rolled over her. Jax had been home less than a week from Afghanistan, and today was his first day working at Flyboys.

She really hated to be ‘that’ wife, calling to ask for her husband to be pulled off the job… but as another contraction hit her with a ferocity that made her stop moving immediately to wait it out, she realized that she wasn’t going to have a choice.

The contractions were coming every five minutes now, and she was getting scared, not to mention how uncomfortable it was to just sit there waiting for the next one to hit.

Dialing quickly, she heard Harley answer.

“Flyboys, this is Harley – can I help you?”

“Hey Harley, it’s Mary…” she hesitated, feeling so needy and helpless as she felt another beginning in her lower back and wrapping around the front, unable to speak.

“Is it time, honey?”

“Yeah…” she barely uttered, realizing the other woman understood before she ever spoke the word aloud.

“Ghost is in the air, but let me get him down, and I’ll send someone with a car to come get you. Has your water broke yet?”


“How far apart are your contractions?”

“Less than… five,” Mary breathed, “… minutes apart.”

Mary heard Harley curse, as she didn’t bother to hang up the phone.

“JACKSON! GET THE CAR… IT’S AN EMERGENCY!” Mary heard Harley hollering at her husband, and then realized she was talking to Jax on the radio. “Ghost, you need to land – now. We are picking up Mary, do you copy?”

‘Copy that Flyboys, we are coming around now… is she okay?’

“The baby is coming – and it’s gonna be fast, my friend,” Harley told him, and Mary was glad she could hear the discussion on the radio, knowing that their friends would help them through this. “Mary, just breathe, honey. Jackson should be pulling up in front of your house any second. Do you think you can make it to the front door?”


“Okay, don’t hang up until he gets there. Just take your time, breathe, and go slowly. It will be okay.”

“I’m at the door… and Jackson just pulled up,” Mary acknowledged.

“Okay good. Yeah, I’ve got Samantha with me in her playpen in my office, and there’s two classes scheduled. I’m going to send Ghost to meet you at the hospital as soon as he lands – but go with Thumper right now, okay? Don’t wait, because you’ll be having that baby in the car if you do…”

“Yeah, let’s not do that…”

* * *

Less than two hours later,Mary was pushing with all her might, clenching Jax’s hand, and barely coherent as she concentrated. He was right there beside her, saying things that just weren’t deciphering in her mind as she stared at the spot between her legs where a baby should be emerging any moment now…

… Any moment, she thought wildly, and felt something move, causing her to adjust suddenly, taking a deep breath, clenching at Jax’s hand, as she bore down with all her might instinctively, seeing the baby emerge.

Seeing that sight, knowing in her soul how precious this miracle was, she couldn’t help but whimper emotionally, clinging to her husband’s hand and chancing a glance at his awestruck face.

Her eyes careened wildly back to the scene before her as the doctor helped the baby from her body, laying it on her chest, as everyone began to come to life around her… including this very upset little human, helpless on her.

“Oh Mary…” Jax wept and laughed at the same time, causing her to glance up at him to see his brilliant smile and glistening, proud eyes.