I’m standing there scanning for something I can eat without destroying the arrangement when Tanner wanders in from the deck, wearing shorts and a shirt he hasn’t bothered to button.

“Problem?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.

“Is there a party? I’m afraid to touch anything.”

“No party, a celebration of sorts, yes. The staff, namely Chef and the head housekeeper, are excited to have you here. They want you to feel welcome, so don’t hurt their feelings by eating anything less than half of that food.” His dry humor is contagious, and I can’t help smiling.

“So nobody is coming, I can just dive in?”

He nods. “You can and you should.”

I don’t think twice, but load up the waiting plate with a little of everything. It barely makes a dent. I sit down at the big table in the windowed alcove and try to decide where to start.

“You want any coffee or tea with that?” Tanner asks.

“Coffee please.”

A steaming cup appears at my elbow and I sort of gulp to realize that a multi-billionaire just poured me coffee. A gorgeous, dressed to pose on a beefcake calendar billionaire.

I really need to re-read that letter before I think I get to catch and keep him.

Getting up to retrieve my purse from the credenza in the kitchen, I have to sidle past Tanner lounging against the entrance to the alcove. He doesn’t move out of the way, letting my body brush against him. And he simply directs an inquiring gaze my way when I return a few seconds later. Deciding to ignore him for a minute, I unfold the letter and load my fork up with the fluffiest scrambled eggs to ever see a griddle.

In the calm light of day and a fresh morning, Caitlyn’s letter is just as alarming. She did tell me to seduce her brother. But yesterday I missed the phrase about needing to be yanked out of my overgrown shell with a crowbar. And that her brother is just like me, so we can either cuddle up in one shell together or go out and see the world, finally.

I glance over at Tanner and find him still watching me. “Are you stuck in a shell?” I ask, unconvinced.

He shrugs. “According to Caitlyn. I hate yacht parties, don’t do charity galas. All they want is my check, so I’m perfectly willing to mail that in. No need for me to stand around in tight shoes making small talk.”

I can practically feel Caitlyn yelling in my ear. “Networking. It’s about the networking!”

“This will sound weird, but I hear your sister shouting ‘networking’”

Tanner seems amused. “She would say that. Do I look like I need more business?”

It’s a rhetorical question so I don’t respond. Instead I read the last section that I missed most of yesterday. Caitlyn suggested some books and articles to get me started. I bring one up on my phone and burst out laughing.Ten ways to catch the attention of a rich man. Lip filler and sky high heels are the top suggestions. Surprising him in his office for a blow job at lunch finishes the list. I shudder.

Tanner plucks my cell out of my hand, glances at it, then turns it off. “One of my sister’s suggestions?”

I nod. “I hope you’re not waiting for that. It’s not happening.”


“Tanner…” I flutter my hands in the air, not quite sure how to voice my disquiet. “Is this really something we should be doing? I mean, would you even notice me if Caitlyn hadn’t dumped me in your office?”

His gaze is considering, then he says slowly. “Mika, a man nearing forty has no business gawking at beautiful young women barely out of school.”

So basically no, but he’s smooth enough to turn it in to something of a compliment. I frown anyway.

“But I am noticing now and in a rather twisted way, I’m looking forward to being reluctantly chased by you. But no lip filler or high heels,” he gives a shudder, “you’ll have to work with what’s already in the cottage.”



I already think of Mika as mine. Mine to cherish, to protect, tolove. But I’m also starting to see why Caitlyn sent her on this ridiculous quest. She’s feeling out of her depth, a bit shy, and reluctant to move past her inexperience. Like it somehow means something is wrong with her instead of everything being absolutely right.

If I swoop in and shower her with attention, I run the risk of overwhelming her to the point where I won’t know if she even wants to be with me.