Hmm, I may have to intervene on this one. I haven’t invaded Cait’s privacy up to now, but Mika is agitated and I’m finding it impossible to see her that upset and not try to fix it. With a gentle nudge, I hold out my hand, palm up, and she places the letter there. It’s only as I’m reading the first paragraph that she realizes what she’s shared and gasps.

But I’m already standing out of her grasp when she tries to snatch the paper back. And now I see what has her twisting in her seat.



I knew Caitlyn would push me out of my comfort zone. That was a given. But she wants me toseduce her brother? And I have six weeks to do it or else? Naturally, she didn’t reveal the consequences of failure, nor did she give me any hints as to how to go about it. But she did reveal that she knew all along about my crush and she thinks we’re perfect for each other.

Gulping some of the tea, I’m kicking myself for handing over the letter to Tanner, whose eyebrows are climbing ever upward as he reads. On the other hand, maybe he’ll show me the door and tell me never to darken it again, in which case I’m off the hook. Although I wish I was the kind of woman who could take on this type of challenge with a throaty purr, and pull him down by his tie onto the couch. He’s a lot better looking in person and he wasn’t ugly in the photos.

Tanner finishes reading and observes me with a considering expression. His face is implacable and impossible to read, but he doesn’t appear angry or disgusted. I stare at him, waiting for a clue as to what I should do next. I’m sure I resemble a deer in the headlights. And now he knows I had a crush on him as a teenager. I still do, but at least Caitlyn didn’t drag on about it.

His lips quirk ever so slightly before he says, “I have a question.”

My heart skitters and I force myself to spread my fingers on my knees to keep them steady. I nod, unable to look away from his piercing gaze.

“What did you mean when you said you want to? Were you simply referring to honoring Caitlyn or were you talking about… me?”

I glance frantically around the room for something to rescue me, but the office is silent, no hint of a phone ringing or someone coming in to save me.


“Yes.” I answer simply.

His eyes soften. “Yes, to what?”

I sigh. Apparently, I’m doomed to survive this, painful as it is. “Both, okay? But it’s obviously not going to happen so…”

He approaches slowly, as if I’m a wild animal that might bolt. He sits back down in the chair next to the couch, close but not too close, and rests his elbows on his knees.

“Why do you say that?”

I stare at his folded hands. They’re broad and capable, the kind of hands that know how to swing a hammer effectively.

I wave one hand around, indicating the room. “Because you’re… you? And I’ve never seduced anyone, or even tried, ever?” I grimace, thinking that never covers a broader net than just seduction.

Tanner seems amused. “So you’re just going to give up?”

I gape at him in astonishment. “Youwantme to?”

He nods slightly, a devilish twinkle deep in his navy eyes. “I’d prove it to you, but I’m worried you might faint.”

He’d prove it to me? How could…? Oh. Of course, my eyes are drawn like a tractor beam to his crotch, but he’s still angled forward so I can’t see anything. Hurriedly I avert my gaze, but I can feel fresh heat creeping up my cheeks. Maybe that wasn’t what he meant at all…

“If Caitlyn wasn’t dead, I would so kill her right now,” I mutter and then realize what I said and who I said it to. “Oh, fuck. I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean…”

His arm reaches out and grips my upper arm in a gesture I’m sure is meant to soothe, but the electric shock straightens my spine.

“Mika, it’s okay. In fact, it’s good.”

I stare at him in disbelief, still horrified at my gaffe.

“You knew I’m a lot older than Caitlyn, right?”

I give a half-nod in acknowledgement.

“Fifteen years, to be exact, so by the time she was old enough to tease a sibling, I was already out of the house. But she didn’t want to miss out on anything, so she doubled-down whenever I was home. She’d save up every knock-knock joke and stunt she learned at school and unleash them on me all at once. She could be a terror, but she had so much fun. The things people tell you when a family member dies, they’re the same everywhere you go. And could apply to anyone. Your reaction right now? That was what Caitlyn lived for. So as awkward as this might be for you, you’ve given me back my baby sister for a few minutes and I appreciate it.”