“If you want to go back to school, maybe we should…”

I press two fingers to his lips. “I don’t want to wait. I can take school slower if I need to, but didn’t you just finish telling me I should be spending your money like there’s no tomorrow? I’m assuming I’m allowed to spend it on child care? ‘Cause if not, it’s probably about time you learned to change a diaper, mister.”

“Thank fuck,” he mutters before claiming my lips with possessiveness. “I think I knocked you up already, Mika.”

“How on earth can you tell that?”

His face is sheepish. “I can’t. It’s just a feeling. Not one I’ve ever had before. So we might have to do that year of travel in sections, just so that you see a doctor when you need to.”

I ignore the oblique reference to his past experience and decide to focus on more important things, like kissing the man that’s willing to rearrange his life to satisfy my dreams.



A month later and I’ve got my new wife right where I want her, thoroughly fucked and languidly lying in the middle of the bed with a satisfied smile on her face. We leave for Paris in the morning so I’m making an executive decision and letting her open Caitlyn’s last letter two weeks early — in part to make up for having to skip all the French wine. Mika is most definitely pregnant, if not from our first time together, then damn near close to that. She’s happy, but I can tell she’s a little miffed about the wine. Less so about having to miss some of the cheeses as well. I offered to switch our itinerary around and go somewhere both wine and cheeseless, but she said she wanted to be fucked in Paris before she was too big to enjoy it.

Which is nonsense because I will find a way to put a smile on Mika’s face, no matter the obstacles.

Handing the sealed letter to Mika, I turn up the lights so she can read it more easily.

“No, no, no, and double-no!” she mutters, sitting up and folding her legs under her. The sight of her glistening pussy, still dripping with my cum, has me getting hard again.

“We are not having six kids. I don’t mind the dog, but we can have two or three plus the dog and be fine.” She’s glaring at me, so I hold out a hand for the letter. I have a sweet moment of nostalgia when she again places it in my hand without thinking. This time, though, she doesn’t try to reclaim it.

Hi Guys!

I’m so glad you’re together now. I’m kinda bummed I didn’t get to see it in person and I thought about introducing the two of you earlier, but I didn’t want grief to drive you apart. This way I get to supervise (evil grin). Don’t worry, I won’t stick around for the naked stuff. Not even dead people need to see that.

Mika, if I’ve had any say in the matter, you’re already pregnant. You need to get started early because I need a horde of nieces and nephews to entertain while you two stick in the muds read books. Seriously, the two of you are perfect for each other (eye roll).

So here’s my last request. Okay, it’s not really a request because I’m going to make sure it happens. Maybe it’s more of a warning? But I didn’t want there to be any confusion about the names because I’ve already picked them out. And saved you all that arguing because neither of you would pick cool names and then my nieces and nephews would rightly blame me for not intervening. So here goes:




Thane and Leo (twins, how exciting!)


Nigel (he might be a German Shepherd, I can’t quite tell)

Just remember, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! Seriously, get out there and enjoy life. Do it for me, if staying in and organizing your sock drawer really appeals. (I would definitely NOT do that!)

Love you both to pieces,


Glancing up from the note, I see that Mika has brought the fluffy blanket from the foot of the bed up and over her. It’s hiding her pretty pussy, which makes me frown.

“You cold, baby?”

She shrugs and her cheeks pinken. “Not really, just had a sudden chill and maybe it’s just the letter, but it felt for a moment like Caitlyn was here.”

I nod. It’s strange that it doesn’t sound weird at all. “I didn’t tell you this because I wanted you in my bed anyway, but when I checked on your window, the mechanism had been disconnected.”