“I merely planted the suggestion and your brain did the rest. Better than I expected, really. Which is why, and incidentally, the lesson I thought you needed, you shouldn’t put yourself down even inside your own head. You’re mine, Mika. That’s a fuck ton more important than whether you think you can walk in high heels or not or know ten ways to punish your partner.”

He’s growling again, but it’s making me all warm and fuzzy. Although I still can’t believe I got all that from phantom massage oil. “This one time, I’ll forgive you,” I announce.

Tanner swats my rear lightly. “Brat. Now, nap or bath?”

I weigh that serious decision for a long moment. “Are you going to stay with me?”

“If you want me to.”

“Nap then.” And as if my brain is set to respond on a trigger, I yawn, making Tanner laugh.

“Right. Let’s get you more comfortable first.” He ignores my pout as he pulls out of me and rolls me to my side, pulling me tight against his chest and wrapping his arms around me. “No pouting, Mika. You’re going to be sore as it is. No need to make it worse.”

I sniff at his highhandedness, but honestly, I’m suddenly too tired to argue.


Holding Mika while she sleeps is humbling. The way this tiny smile plays across her bow lips makes me feel ten feet tall. So does knowing she’s full to brimming over with my cum. When she’s deeply asleep, I slide out of the bed and fetch a hot washcloth from the bathroom. With just a nudge, she opens her legs with a mumble and I wipe her skin gently — much as I hate to remove the visual signs of her taking me into her body with such enthusiasm. When she’s clean, I pull the sheet up over her and sit down in the nearby armchair to watch over her.

My life is about to change dramatically. I don’t mind, but it’s going to take some planning and delegation. I make mental lists as Mika sleeps. God knows I won’t want to leave her like this in the morning to go into some dead office just to generate more money. I’d rather be making babies. Which makes me wonder if I already planted one in Mika’s belly. I doubt she was on the pill for birth control purposes, not like she knew she had a seduction assignment ahead of time. But I suppose we should talk about that later. I can’t help hoping she wants a baby now, if for nothing else, but that I like the idea of working hard to make that happen. My cock twitches at the thought, already willing to volunteer for anything involving Mika.

She stirs, stretching her limbs out languidly before her beautiful eyes pop open. “Mm. Tanner? What time is it?”

“A little after five. Why?”

She yawns, then laughs. “No reason, except I’m ravenous.”

“How about dinner in the hot tub? I think you should relax your muscles with a good soak as soon as possible.”

She casts an amused glance my way. “Why do I get the impression that suggestion comes with the assumption that I’ll be naked?”

“Because it only makes sense? I already texted Chef not to come this evening, so we’ll have to make do with the metric ton of leftovers in the fridge.”

“Hmm. That sounds perfect. But then I’ll have to get up, won’t I?”

“Or I can carry you.” I try not to take it personally when that seems to spur her to her feet.

She pauses to press a kiss to my cheek. “I don’t want you to strain anything. I’ll need you in tip-top condition for later.”

“Did you just call me old?” I call after her as she floats out of the room, naked.

“Only if you act like it!” she answers from afar.

I make sure I don’t groan as I get up and follow her downstairs. Mika is pulling things out of the fridge but I still her hands after I set the controls for the hot tub, which are conveniently located inside.

“Go get settled in the warm water, baby. I’ll bring food out.”

“And wine?”

“And wine.” I nod affirmatively before pushing her gently towards the door to the back deck.

I’m momentarily delayed when the phone line from the main lodge rings. Mrs. Donnelly only uses it when something major has occurred, like a guest being found dead in the pool. Which thankfully hasn’t happened yet, but also why I don’t hesitate to pick it up. “Everything okay, Mrs. Donnelly?”

“You won’t believe it, Tanner! Remember that mystery reservation Mrs. Henderson made? The one with no specific date because it required her grandson finding a woman he thought was good enough to marry?”

I groan. I do. No business wants an open gift card floating out there for years, with no hint as to when or if it will ever be redeemed. But Mrs. Henderson was practically family, best friends with my grandmother’s sister, so nobody dared tell her no. Least of all me.

“What about it?”