“All the way?” Her voice squeaks at the end. She sounds mighty doubtful.

“Exactly how far is all the way?” I press dryly.

“Um. You know… what you said the other day. About stuffing me full?” She flushes adorably.

“You want me to stuff you full of my cock, but you don’t want to say the words?”

She nods, the embarrassed smile still teasing her lips.

“And you think this should happen after I punish you for being late for lunch?”

This time, she just shrugs indifferently. “Or whatever? It seemed the obvious choice.”

It doesn’t, but I still have more questions. “And what form should this punishment take? Spanking, whipping, withholding orgasms, what?”

She pales slightly and bites her lip. “Oh, um. That wasn’t in the book. I thought you could just…” Her body slumps a little and her sparkle dims. “I’m really crap at this, aren’t I?” she says glumly.

I make a decision and get to my feet. Mika rather listlessly eats some of the lasagna. I whisk her plate out from under nose. “Stand up,” I order her sternly.

She gulps and does so, but I can see her fingers twisting nervously. Lifting her chin with a finger, I stare into her eyes until she tries to break her gaze. “Mika, I don’t give a damn about when you eat lunch, but I will not have you putting yourself down. Nobody puts my wife down. Including you. So how am I going to make sure you don’t forget that?”

A little bit of sass comes back into her expression. “I’m not your wife.” Maybe it’s my imagination, but she sounds a bit sad about that.

“You are. We just haven’t done the paperwork yet. We’re sure as hell about to consummate the marriage. After we see to your lesson. Come with me.”

I tug her behind me, trying to think fast on my feet. Clearly I have some reading to do, God help me. Meanwhile, I need something that won’t scare her but lets her know I’m taking over and she can stop worrying about it.

I halt abruptly in the hallway and Mika squeaks again as she runs into my back. “Did you bring any toys with you?” I ask her.

“Toys?” She sounds confused. She really is an innocent.

“Sex toys, a vibrator or something.”


“Don’t sound so shocked, sweetness. I’ll just have to hunt around.”

“You keep sex toys justaround?”

That makes me laugh as I turn to face her. “No, Mika. I’m not quite that wild. But over the years, your best friend liked to send gag gifts in an attempt to shock me when I was on vacation. They’re around here somewhere. Unused.” I clarify because I can’t count on her putting all that together. Her belief that I’m some sort of sexual beast is stroking my ego nicely, though.



Maybe I shouldn’t have run with the inspiration from that romance novel.After all, it was fiction, I think to myself as I stand blindfolded in the middle of a small office on the third floor while Tanner rummages in the closet. Before he opened the closet door, he insisted on wrapping a silk tie that was hanging over the chair around and around my head. So he wouldn’t shock me, he said. But of course now I’m getting nervous as he hems and mutters to himself.

“Ah-ha! Knew it!” he finally exclaims. Before I can ask, he’s picking me up and flinging me over his shoulder. When I go to pull the blindfold off, he swats my rear lightly. “Uh-uh. Blindfold stays on. We’re moving down a floor and I don’t want to trip on it.”

I gulp, which is surprisingly hard to do upside down. Tanner whistles cheerfully as we move down the stairs. Then I’m on my feet, still none the wiser. Except there’s a breeze as he whisks the old sweatshirt over my head. He mutters something unintelligible as he unfastens my bra. But he pulls my hands down when they instinctively come up to cover myself.

“Mika. All that is mine.” He’s trying to sound stern, but I hear the smile in there. I think. Then my shorts are gone too, but I still hear more clothing being removed. Is he?

Yep. The next thing I know, the backs of my knees are up against a mattress, but Tanner is holding me up. He hands me a plastic bottle with a pump top like for hand soap.

I frown in puzzlement, trying to figure out his plan. But I sense the mattress dip as Tanner lays down with a grown. “Now, Mika, to make it up to me for insulting my wife, I’m expecting a full massage. Front and back. Every single inch. Understand?”

“A massage?” I squeak in dismay. That seems both better and worse than I expected. “Why am I naked?”