“Oh,” she looks shyly pleased. “But…”

“No buts. Do you have a large family?” Mika blinks at my sudden change of subject.

“No, I uh, I’m pretty much an orphan now. Both my parents were only children, and they were killed in a car accident my senior year of high school. That’s why I started college a year late, but at least the insurance money paid for it. I have an older half-brother, but he’s mad at me for not giving him the money.” She shrugs like it doesn’t bother her, but it obviously does. “My parents marked it specifically in their will. If they died before I had my degree, it was to be used for that purpose.”

And more puzzle pieces click into place. This is a big part of why she took Caitlyn’s request so seriously.

“Mika?” I hesitate, not entirely sure how to phrase this.

“Hmm?” Something outside the window has caught her attention, but her gaze swings back to meet mine.

“If other circumstances had landed you on my lap right now. Say Caitlyn was still alive and brought you here on a visit and I scooped you up just as you were tripping over your tongue at the sight of so much male magnificence…”

Her eyes are laughing, but she’s pursing her lips, trying not to smile. “Go on.”

“Would you still take a risk on me? Come to my bed tonight simply because I asked you to?”

She taps her chin like she’s not entirely sure of the answer, but there’s a gleam in her eye that warns me of a surprise coming. Finally Mika angles forward and places a sweetly gentle kiss on my lips as she moves out of my arms. “Guess you’ll have to wait and see? I’m going to fulfill Caitlyn’s final request this afternoon.” She gives a little bump of the shoulders like that’s no big deal and gives me a little finger wave. “See you later!”



I don’t know when exactly I decided Tanner was mine, and I decided to keep him. I think it was probably building from the moment I entered his office. But this morning when he slipped out of bed and took his hard cock with him, I wanted to protest. Loudly. I wasn’t faking sleep, but I was just awake enough to be aware of him poking me and thinking about all the ways that could play out. His leaving the room wasn’t one of them. But it was sweet.

He’s as worried about me wanting to be with him as I am about him. So maybe Caitlyn knew more than both of us. I know she adored him, so she wouldn’t do this just to tease.

My plan is to lure him to the hot tub on the upper patio after lunch. It’s covered by the overhang of the floor above, so it should be sheltered from the rain, which is still streaming down outside and it’s heated. And very private. It’s on the opposite side of the house from the path and practically in the woods. With the rain, it’s highly unlikely any people or even deer are going to be wandering around.

I’m nervous but excited. My gut is settled, though. This is the right choice for me. Strangely, seducing Tanner doesn’t need much preparation, so I stop by the library and gather up an armload of romance novels for inspiration and head to the small tower room armed with a cozy blanket. I’m sort of hiding. Not really, but I want to stay out of Tanner’s way, so he has something to look forward to. The ‘hey, fancy doing it now?’ approach seems entirely too casual for something so momentous. But if he called out for me, I’d hear him from here.

By the time I’ve skimmed through four of the romances, I’m rolling my eyes. These are no help. For one, half of them require equipment I don’t have (and don’t want). And two, these heroines already know what they’re doing. They’re just doing it even better with the hero.

In book five, I hit pay dirt. A young woman set on convincing her dad’s best friend that she’s all grown up and there’s nothing to worry about. Her virginity is only for him to take. I lick my lips and sink into the story with a grin. I pause to write a few notes on a scrap of paper I find in a drawer and then lose myself in the couple’s back and forth teasing.

Tanner’s voice floats up the stairs from below. “Mika! Lunch!”

“Coming,” I respond absently, because I still have twenty pages to go.

When I guiltily head downstairs, Tanner simply raises an eyebrow in question but doesn’t say anything. He’s got a full plate of lasagna, so I can’t say as I blame him. It smells heavenly.

I load up my own plate and sit down opposite Tanner. Now that I’m here, my inspiration from the tower might not be such a great idea after all. But I plow ahead anyway. “So you know how I was late for lunch?”

Tanner looks confused. “There’s no set time, Mika. I didn’t want you to experience Chef’s lasagna cold for the first time, but it reheats okay.”

I roll my eyes. “But I was late and you should probably teach me a lesson.”


“Work with me here, Tanner!” I grin and then give him a pin-up pout. “You should really remind me that you’ll lay down the law with all those big strong muscles if I don’t follow the rules.” I lick my lips to clue him in.

The light dawns. “Ah.” His tone is rueful and his stern face relaxes into a small grin. “Like that, is it? Am I allowed to ask some clarifying questions first?”


Mika looks downright impish as she nods in assent, her messy bun sliding to the side. She’s surprised me again, and while I’m somewhat dubious as to where she’s going with this, I’m also very, very curious.

“So, how far are we going?” I ask her quietly.